This article contains SPOILERS for Andor season 1 episode 12.
As Maarva’s funeral is being held, Cassian returns to Ferrix with the Empire and Luthen Rael awaiting his return in the season 1 finale of Andor.
Catch up here on everything from the last episode!
The twelfth episode of Andor begins with ISB supervisor Dedra Meero arriving on Ferrix ahead of their plans to squeeze the suspected rebel activity out of the townsfolk. After checking in at the base, Meero and an Imperial guard walk through town undercover while being tailed by the ever-lurking Cinta.
Within the town, Brasso learns Xanwan, the smuggler on Ferrix, spoke with Cassian and informed him of Maarva’s passing. Brasso tries to make sure Cassian knows not to come here, but Xanwan states it was only a short call.
At the cantina, Xanwan is talking with Nurchi but is clearly struggling with the burden of being the one who might have put Cassian in danger. While those conversations are had, Wilmon Paak, the child of Salman Paak who was murdered by the Empire for owning the radio used to contact Luthen, is seen building a device while looking at a memorial hologram of his father.
Andor season 1 episode 12: Mon confronts her husband
Mon Mothma and her husband Perrin are being driven home after a party when she asks for privacy from her driver. The driver agrees but secretly leaves the mic and speaker on.
In the back, Mon accuses her husband of gambling in Coruscant, something he agreed to not do, but Perrin denies it. Back on Ferrix, Vel has met up with Cinta who is tracking the ISB agents who are surveying the town undercover.
Vel is upset that her beloved did not pick her up but Cinta explains she discovered an ISB supervisor in town, likely for Cassian. Finally, Vel gets Cinta to stop what she is doing and look at her.
The two share a longing stare at one another. Now having returned to Ferrix, Cassian drifts through the streets until he arrives at his home.
Here, he finds his family’s name carved into the stone. As he brushes his hand over it, he gets a flashback of his father Clem reminding him to look past the rust and see the beauty underneath.
Just like riding a bike, Cassian once again sneaks into Bix’s garage where he finds a defense system in place helmed by one of Bix’s employees, Plega. When the two greet each other, Cassian is confused why Bix is not here.
Pegla tells him that she is being held by the Empire.

Cassian stays in the junkyard ship he calls home, laying low for the night. As the rain comes down, he begins listening to Nemik’s manifesto and taking a liking to his former heist partner’s words.
Andor season 1 episode 12: Luthen Rael returns to Ferrix
In the morning, Supervisor Dedra Meero is briefed on the protocols and procedures being put into place for Maarva’s funeral today. There will be 40 people in the half-block land of Rix Road with snipers and troopers around.
While this is going on, the Imperial Security Bureau is conducting their plans and taking out the rebel Anto Kreegyr and his army. Meero calls into Major Partagaz since there are no survivors, but the major just demands that his subordinate finds “Axis.”
It turns out “Axis” himself is close by since Luthen Rael is seen arriving on Ferrix and heading into town. In town, an Imperial officer discovers B2EMO is being led around by a big man who is not Brasso.
As a result, they begin to scramble looking for him. In actuality, Brasso is meeting with Cassian underneath Bix’s garage.
The two embrace while they mourn someone important to both of them. Brasso passes on Maarva’s message to her son about how much she believes in him and how much she loves “him more than he can ever do wrong.”
The two depart after Brasso informs Cassian that Bix is still alive in the hotel, promising to fulfill the duties during Maarva’s funeral. Arriving on Ferrix via public transport, Syril Karn and Linus Mosk are returning to the place where their careers fell apart.
Andor season 1 episode 12: Cassian gets told on
After finally arriving in town, Luthen reunites with Vel. He is caught up to speed about Meero being here and the high patrol from the Empire.
Rael is excited about this because it will mean the Empire will hunt Cassian for them, while they will kill him before he gives them up. Pegla begins hitting the anvil to designate the funeral is about to begin.
The Imperial guards and officers are scrambling since from all over town there is the same beat and song playing rallying the citizens of Ferrix. They all process to the center of town, much more than 40 and covering much more than half a block, while being led by B2EMO and Brasso holding Maarva’s ceremonial funerary stone to be placed at Fountain Square.
While the people of Ferrix all begin their procession, Cassian’s hideout location is revealed by Nurchi, the same person to who Cass owed money in episode 1. So, guards are sent to this spot but luckily Andor has escaped through the tunnels where he just was talking with Brasso.
When the procession arrives at Rix Road, they begin chanting “Stone and Sky” which can also be heard by an imprisoned Bix. After running through the tunnels, Cassian finds himself in the hotel which has been left short-handed to deal with the funeral.
With help from the hotel chef, Cassian learns where Bix is being held.

On Rix Road, B2EMO projects a parting message from Maarva that explains her history and roots on Ferrix. She explains how they all have been sleeping and letting the Empire grow and grow, since they are a disease and need darkness to get stronger.
Andor season 1 episode 12: Fighting and explosions at Maarva’s funeral
Maarva’s message ends with a battle cry to “Fight the Empire” which has the onlooking Imperial officers mad. The one in charge flips over B2EMO to stop the message which makes Brasso snap.
The once-gentle, big man takes out three guards for in response, one with Maarva’s funerary stone. Chaos ensues at Fountain Square with the people of Ferrix finally uprising against their tyrannical overlords.
While this is occurring, Cassian is sneaking through the hotel and finds Bix very shaken up mentally, following all of the torture she has endured. He tries to convince her to leave but she is hesitant since “they’ll get mad.”
However, that is when Wilmon Paak throws his homemade bomb at the Empire and the hotel. A series of chain reaction explosions occur leaving everyone at least discombobulated on their backside or worse.
Cassian and Bix were unaffected by the bombs so they use this distraction to get out of the hotel and away from the town square. After the explosions subside, Brasso is able to save Wilmon from some troopers and get him away from the fighting.
Xanwan defends a helpless and elderly Daughter of Ferrix escape before he is taken out by a stormtrooper blaster. And finally, Pegla is able to retrieve B2EMO and bring the loyal droid away from the chaos.
Andor season 1 episode 12: The rebels try to escape from Ferrix
Dedra Meero is knocked down and away from her blaster before a man grabs her gun and leads her somewhere private. This man turns out to be Syril Karn.
Meero is thankful for the man she keeps pushing away was there to save her. Cinta continues to follow the ISB agent around town before he notices her and tries to corner the innocent-looking woman.
She responds to this by going along, before gutting him with her dagger and leaving him alone where he will not be easily found. She then goes with Vel back to their base to pack up their things.
Brasso, Wilmon, B2EMO, and Pegla reunite in the junkyard along with the Daughter of Ferrix, Jezzi, to board a plane and escape their planet. Cassian and Bix arrive so Brasso helps his friends get the struggling Bix on board.
Pegla and Cassian are staying with Ferrix but Cassian promises to find them. On Coruscant, Mon begrudgingly goes through the outdated proposal tradition with Davo Sculdun to try and pair up their adolescent children.

The episode and season end with Luthen getting on his ship to leave Ferrix but the droid that operates his ship is not responding. It turns out Cassian had snuck onto the ship and is giving himself up to Luthen who he knows was here to kill him.
Cassian gives the opportunity to kill him or take him in, to which Luthen laughs with amusement. A post-credits scene shows the pieces that Cassian and his fellow inmates were building on Narkina 5 were actually pieces needed to build the laser ray on the work-in-progress Death Star currently being built.
How did you like the first season of Andor? Do you think it is as great as the general consensus says it is?
What are you looking forward to happening in season 2? Let us know your answers and opinions in the comments below!
Watch all of Andor season 1, only on Disney+!