AMC’s post-apocalyptic series The Walking Dead, based on the comic book series created by Robert Kirkman, came to a close after a successful 11-season run. The series changed the way many watched and viewed zombie apocalypse-related media, as the story delved deeper into the lives of those trying to survive.
But the zombie apocalypse is a very new and unpredictable world, as both heroes and villains managed to survive, build empires, and rally forces. In the process, lives are changed for the better and worse.
Rick Grimes is helmed as the main character and true heart and soul of the series. His task of finding his wife and son upon awakening in a hospital bed in the aftermath, would soon turn into one of the greatest stories ever written, told and performed in television history.
But even though the main series has concluded, several spinoffs have emerged, with several more on the way. That still won’t stop fans from wanting to rewatch, reexperience, and remember every moment of the show from the heartwarming to the heartbreaking.
Does Netflix have every season of The Walking Dead?
But where can one watch the entire series? Netflix has you covered!
All 11 seasons of The Walking Dead are available on the streaming platform, which means you can easily watch the series from the beginning or simply watch your favorite episode per season whenever you wish. Be aware that according to The Walking Dead page on Netflix, it is “Unavailable on Basic with ads plan due to licensing restrictions.”
Truthfully there are a plethora of television and film options these days from a multitude of streaming platforms. But sometimes, viewers can’t help but return to their favorites.
If that be the case, grab a snack, drink, a comfortable seat and enjoy every season of The Walking Dead!
Which season of The Walking Dead is your favorite? Share your answers in the comments below, we’d love to read them!