Brandon Keckler

Brandon Keckler

Brandon Keckler is a produced screenwriter, author and actor with an insatiable appetite for television drama and all things Star Wars. He was born in Modesto California, the birthplace of George Lucas, which is basically real world Tatooine. He's passionate about the Denver Broncos, Spotify's predictive playlist algorithms, iPhone videography, dipping sauces and shared cinematic universes.

The Affair season four premiere unleashes an earthquake on California

Brandon Keckler

12 Monkeys final season goes back to the start to break our hearts and save the timeline

Brandon Keckler

Solo’s galaxy shattering cameo that changed the Star Wars story universe forever

Brandon Keckler

Outlander casts five characters across season four’s dual timelines

Brandon Keckler

The dramedy genre’s profound rise in the golden age of television

Brandon Keckler