All eight episodes of School Spirits season 2 are now available on Paramount+, and we’re still in shock over how everything unfolded in the explosive season finale. While some moments were predictable, others completely caught us off guard. We're still processing it all, but one thing is clear: a School Spirits season 3 is a must!
Unfortunately, a third season has yet to be confirmed. However, we're hopeful that strong viewership and a positive reception will work in the show's favor. They simply can't leave us hanging like this! While the season 2 finale offered some answers and tied up the main storyline, several mysteries remain unsolved. With a jaw-dropping cliffhanger and unfinished character arcs, it's clear that there's still more story left to tell. And we have questions that need to be answered. I'm sure you're just as eager as we are to find out what happens next and have some burning questions of your own.
If School Spirits returns for a third season, we’re hoping for some much-needed answers to the biggest mysteries left unresolved. Here are four of our most pressing questions that School Spirits season 3 needs to address.
Major spoilers ahead from School Spirits season 2!

Is Simon alive or dead?
One of the biggest questions following the season 2 finale is what happened to Simon. The last time we see him, he's trapped inside Mr. Martin's scar. But how did he end up there? As far as we know, only spirits can enter scars, and they need a key to access them. Does this mean Simon is dead? If so, how did he die? After Maddie and the other teen ghosts locked Mr. Martin inside his scar and returned to the fallout shelter, Maddie noticed that Simon and her other living friends were missing. She assumed they took her body outside to the paramedics, so she headed there herself. But when she arrived outside, Simon had already returned to the school to search for her. Maddie didn't know this, though.
When Simon returned to the fallout shelter, the entire room was glowing red. This usually happens when a scar is activated, so now a spirit can enter. If Simon were living, he shouldn't have been able to enter Mr. Martin's scar. But then again, it wasn't just the fallout shelter glowing red. The entire school was radiating with the same eerie red light, which had never happened before. It's possible that Simon is still alive and was somehow able to enter the scar due to the strange happenings around the school. I can't think of any other reason for how he could have entered the scar unless there's some new information about the school’s supernatural rules we don't know. We need a School Spirits season 3 to figure this out!

Did Wally cross over in School Spirits season 2?
Oh, Wally! From the very start of the series, it was clear that something romantic would eventually develop between Maddie and Wally. Their first real hookup happened in the Split River High natatorium earlier in season 2, and then they shared another intimate moment in the penultimate episode of the season. During that second encounter, Wally made it clear to Maddie that he didn’t want her to leave and return to the living world. This put Maddie in a difficult position, as she didn’t want to leave him either, but she also knew she wasn't meant to remain as a spirit.
In the season 2 finale, Maddie finally makes the decision to return to her body after Janet willingly gives it up, and Wally watches as the love of his life leaves him behind in the spectral world. Now that Maddie is gone, Wally seems to be ready to finally move on or "cross over." He heads to his scar and hopes for the glowing exit door to appear. It does! As he takes a step towards the exit, the episode then cuts to another scene. We never get to see if Wally actually crosses over or not, leaving his fate uncertain.

How is Xavier still seeing spirits?
For a long time, Simon was the only living person who could see spirits. Well, one human spirit, to be specific. We're talking about Maddie. Then, Xavier gets struck by Janet in a truck accident and is left in critical condition at the hospital. After seemingly waking up from a coma, he walks around the hospital and begins to see other spirits, something he had never done before.
At first, it seems like he may have passed away and become a spirit himself, but he's later shown to wake up, leaving us uncertain about his true condition. Eventually, we learn that he's still alive, as he assists Simon and the others with Maddie's situation. However, in the season 2 finale, his true fate is once again called into question when he sees Maddie's dad's spirit again. How is he able to see spirits if he's alive? It made sense before because it seemed like he was in some sort of limbo between life and death. But now that he's awake and alive, how is this still possible? Does he have some sort of lingering connection to the spirit world, or is there a deeper, supernatural explanation that we're yet to fully understand?

What's really going on at Split River High?
Before Mr. Martin confesses to everything and is trapped inside his scar by Janet in the season 2 finale, he tells Maddie and the others that there are things about the school that they don't fully understand yet. What does he mean by this? It is strange that if someone dies on campus, they're put in some supernatural limbo, unable to cross over until certain conditions are met.
Honestly, we still haven't completely figured out what those conditions are. And what about the whole school glowing red? How did that happen? There's definitely a deeper reason behind it all. It seems that Split River High holds far more secrets than anyone could have anticipated, and we're just scratching the surface of what's really going on behind its walls. We’re going to need a season 3 to dig deeper into all of this!
School Spirits season 2 is streaming now only on Paramount+.