It's been a while since Angela found herself in the thick of some juicy Big Brother drama. However, this wild card can't stay down for long, as she is, once again, going head-to-head with another houseguest. But this time, it's her closest ally, Tucker, the same competitor who has continuously sacrificed his game to save her from going home.

Angela and Tucker's bond seemed super strong ever since he used the Golden Power of Veto on her rather than himself. Angela was super grateful for Tucker sticking his neck out for her, and Tucker was more than happy to be a shield for her. It seemed to be a mutual relationship that could've gone far in the game. Unfortunately, Angela's paranoia continuously gets in the way.
Here's why Angela and Tucker's friendship is on the verge of coming to an end.
Why Angela flipped on Tucker to try to send him home
After Tucker was blessed with the AI Instigator power by America, he was in charge of spreading lies. Doing so will grant him the chance to win some hefty cash, so he made it a point to go above and beyond for America's entertainment. However, in the midst of doing so, the lies became irritating to the house, prompting them to believe that Angela was the AI Instigator.
Hearing that the house was pinning the blame on Angela for the lies and deepfakes, Tucker wanted to make sure that Angela was on her guard. But where she should've taken this information and cleared the air with the house, Angela became super paranoid about Tucker and believed that he was lying to her. Angela is convinced that Tucker would never vote to keep her over his stronger allies (i.e. Rubina or Joseph), so she petitioned against him; the most questionable decision of her game thus far.

Angela ran to Quinn and company to tell them about how much she doesn't trust Tucker and how she's willing to rally the votes to send him home. Quinn, not being on the best terms with Angela because of past beef, thought it best to tell Tucker about this not only to gain his trust but to also throw Angela under the bus. Hearing this, Tucker was rightfully upset.
Tucker confronted Angela, asking if anything that he heard about her was true. Angela, on the verge of tears, told Tucker of her anxieties. Despite her confirming Tucker's worst fears, however, Tucker is still willing to ride for Angela to the very end. So much so that when T'Kor renominated Angela on the block in place of Cam, Tucker was vividly upset.

With Tucker and Angela on the block (and with this house willing to flip on a dime), it's unclear who will go stay and who will be the next houseguest voted out. Either way, Tucker and Angela better hope that Makensy, the third nominee, doesn't secure the victory in the BBAI Arena.
Catch the brand-new live eviction episode of Big Brother season 26 tonight, Aug. 29, at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS!