When Netflix announced that Emily in Paris season 4 would be split into two parts, I’ll admit I was just as curious as most fans regarding how the split might play out and whether the midseason finale would include a major cliffhanger to help keep us talking during the break. Well, having now seen the finale, I can say with certainty that the show definitely made the split season work in its favor.
Warning: Spoilers ahead for the Emily in Paris season 4 midseason finale!
The episode opens with Emily and Mindy sampling a new dessert from Gabriel’s new pastry, who is causing Gabriel more than a few headaches it seems. However, he’s willing to put up with things if it means getting a Michelin Star. Mindy’s friend Lee arrives and joins the pair, which is when she tells them about her plans to launch a skincare line in Paris and mentions to Emily that she’s looking for a marketing firm, so Emily arranges for her to come in for a meeting.
As Emily and Gabriel are leaving the restaurant, they bump into Camille and Sofia who are moving into their new apartment and Gabriel helps with a box. Camille tells him they found the ring when moving boxes and tries to give it back to him, but he says to keep it and that they’re family now. They hug as Sofia returns and looks uneasy – and rightfully so as we’re not sure these two are as over one another as they keep letting on.
Sofia and Camille go to the flea market and the first thing Camille spots is a rocking horse, which Sofia tells her they should pass on as they should focus on getting practical things for their apartment at the moment. Sofia then sees an easel she falls in love with and Camille says she thought they were only getting practical things which is when Sofia says she’ll use it now so it is practical. Things quickly spiral from there as Camille freaks out saying it feels like Sofia isn’t all in on the baby and comments about the jokes she’s been making recently before storming off to buy the rocking horse. Needless to say, there is clearly trouble in paradise.
At the office, Julien has returned after his brief stint at JVMA and is ready to get back to work alongside Sylvie, who realizes in the chaos of everything that has been going on that she forgot to get a reservation for Laurent’s birthday. Sylvie enlists Luc’s help in getting them a reservation with help from his girlfriend Marianne, who agrees under the guise of using the dinner to help Luc get a raise.
When Sylvie and Laurent go out for the birthday dinner, Luc and Marianne are already seated at the table and crash what was intended to be a romantic birthday dinner. The dinner goes smoothly than expected, and Luc and Marianne tell them the dinner is on them, thinking Marianne can use her connections to get the dinner comped as Luc jumps the gun and tells Sylvie he wants a raise. Things only get more awkward from there when a man calls Marianne out as being an imposter, causing a scene as he reveals she was fired a year ago for insider dining which leaves Sylvie to pick up the bill, Luc without a raise, and means Gabriel’s Michelin Star isn’t coming after all.

One couple calls it quits
After the events from earlier in the day, Sofia decides to pack up her belongings and tells Camille she’s leaving to return to Athens. As Sofia explains, she came to Paris to make sure Camille was okay and not to live in an apartment across from her ex. She tells Camila she could come with her to Athens but that she won’t because she won’t go anywhere that’s more than two miles away from Gabriel. She reminds Camille she has a life in Athens and she’ll be there whenever Camille realizes she’s ready to fully commit to their relationship. And with that, Sofia leaves Paris and Camille behind in tears.
Fresh off the breakup, Camille is placing the rocking horse she bought at the flea market in the room she intends to use as a nursery when she sees Emily and Gabriel walking home and kissing outside the apartment. Her face says it all, as it seems clear Camille might not be as over Gabriel as she’s been letting on – or at least that’s our interpretation of the events.
Emily in Paris season 4 episode 5 ending explained
As the final episode of part 1 of Emily in Paris season 4 comes to a close, we’re hit with shocking revelations left and right.
Up first, Luc must come clean to Emily about Marianne lying to them all about her status as Michelin inspector and the sad reality that her lies mean Gabriel isn’t on the fast track for his first Michelin star after all.
Emily has to then break this news to Gabriel, and while he’s clearly heartbroken, he takes it much better than she anticipated. Knowing the Michelin Star is off the table for the moment, we do see Gabriel pop off and fire his annoying pastry chef knowing that he no longer needs to be listening to Marianne’s advice and putting up with the crazy chef.
Camille arrives just in time to see him and Emily hugging it out which is when he breaks the news about the Marianne being a fraud and how he isn’t getting his Michelin Star after all. He then proceeds to tell Emily and Camille that he doesn’t need the star because he already has everything he could ask for: a smart and beautiful girlfriend, and a baby on the way. There’s just one problem with that last part.
As we discover moments earlier in the episode when Camille goes to see her doctor, Camille is not and never was pregnant. It turns out the pregnancy test she took produced a false positive and Camile’s period was delayed due to the stress she was under. Camille intended to tell Gabriel about the news, but she clams up after his comments about the happiness knowing he’s going to be a father has given him thus setting up what is sure to be one of the biggest plot points for the second part of the season.
It’s going to be interesting to see just how long Camille keeps the secret to herself and how it will eventually come out, but we have a feeling when that moment does finally come it will bring about lots of drama!
Emily in Paris season 4 part 1 is streaming now on Netflix!