On to the next episode! While the first episode (review here) of The Perfect Couple had to take the time to establish the characters and story, the second one starts to move things along and we already start getting some reveals at the intertwined relationships between the characters. Where episode 1 (recap here) didn't give away too much, episode 2, "She Would Never Do That," gives us a look at the complicated dynamics. Let's jump into the review! SPOILERS BELOW.
Episode 2 jumps right into things with us seeing Amelia repeating "It's all my fault," and we flashback to the night before where it turns out Amelia and Merritt had a huge fight, resulting in the bride blaming her best friend for something. Well honestly, she definitely had a good reason for being angry.

It's confirmed that Tag is cheating on Greer, and the woman he's seeing and gave the gold bracelet to is Merritt! Not only that, she's pregnant as well. Oh, Merritt. Greer put the pieces together after seeing the bracelet on Merrit's hand when she arrived. Yikes! So right now the top two suspects are Tag and Greer, as they clearly know more than they're letting on. This is indicated when she tells Tag to clean up the wine he brought out because she's been cleaning up after him all day. Oh, burn!
Someone else who clearly has something to hide is Shooter. Why was he trying to leave and flee the police? Also having an affair are Tom and the French woman, Isabel. I still don't understand who she is. A family friend? Someone please explain because no offense, I don't get the point of her in the story at all. As a side note, one character I actually really like is Gosia, the head housekeeper. She's just so funny. I look forward to her commentary.
So when it comes to Benji, I'm really not a fan of his at all. He's kind of a coward, especially when it comes to his mom. He, and basically Greer, makes Amelia sign a NDA. And I was just shouting, no! That's going to come back and be a problem her. He seemed like the "perfect" guy initially. But I do not see the appeal. And now I can see why Amelia is starting to feel the same way.

A couple of questions I have are: How did Tag know that Amelia knows about he and Merritt's affair? How did Amelia find out about the affair that leads to the confrontation? And why is Will's hand injured? Hmm.
When it comes to the Tag and Amelia thing, I don't know if later episodes are going to explain that. I guess right now it's a bit confusing and the show is expecting us to kind of go with this with now explanation. I don't know. We'll see I guess.
The Perfect Couple episode 2 had some great reveals, but that was really just at the beginning and end. For most of the episode, there's a lot of talking about things we already know or pieced together. But still, overall I think it was a good episode. The most interestng characters right now for me are Merritt and Greer. Everyone else is a bit mediocre. What do you think? Episode grade level: B. Come back tomorrow for reviews of episodes 3 and 4, then on Saturday for the final two, episodes 5 and 6.
All 6 episodes of The Perfect Couple are now streaming on Netflix.