There's always trouble a-brewing on The Serpent Queen, and the third episode was definitely no different. The tensions just continue to rise and rise, and it's going to hit a boiling point for sure. Here's what happened in The Serpent Queen season 2 episode 3, "Death of a Prince." SPOILERS BELOW.
A surprise relative
Catherine arrives in her home country, Italy, for the first time since she moved to France and is looking to secure funds for the palace she wants to build in King Charles' name. This is a sign and way to unite the French people, no matter their religious beliefs. That's what Catherine hopes happens with the structure.
While there, she's introduced to another de Medici and it turns out to be her half brother! Her father had a mistress, and he's the product of their time together. Though weary of him at first, the two siblings do form a connection. He's the one who's going to be handling the financials of the project. I'm interested to see what the other reasons this character was introduced are.

Courting England
The story also takes us to England where the infamous Queen Elizabeth I is introduced. In the first scene we see the royal, Mary Queen of Scots is her prisoner. Elizabeth is just keeping her alive biding her time. Once the time comes, she'll cut her cousin's head off.
Antoine's wife goes to speak with Elizabeth about the trade deal the Bourbons proposed to do between France and England. And Elizabeth seemingly accepts it. But I'm sure she's only doing so because it benefits England right now. There's no trust when it comes to royals.

Troubles at home
With Catherine away, Diane keeps her end of the deal and does indeed arrive to watch over the royal children. And boy do they need it! As we've seen building in the last couple of episodes, there's tension between Charles and Anjou, who is attracted to men and likes more of a flare when it comes to his outfit choices than was accepted or standard for the time. And this doesn't sit well with a lot of people. Diane convinces him to behave with his brother, and he does listen to her. At first.
As Anjou and Hercules go out hunting, Anjou goes off the rails and literally drowns one of the Protestant men right then and there when he tried to re-baptize him. The man was not alone, and of course the other Protestants get angry at this. One of them picks up a rock and throws it right at Hercules and is gravely wounded. And that's the cliffhanger we're left with!
But are those the only troubles? Absolutely not. After the church fire, now Protestants are going into Catholic churches and attacking them and the people there. Edith is convincing them to do so, and like she declared at the end of the second episode, she does not respect the royals and is willing to stand up against them. And that's what's already beginning to happen.
The Serpent Queen season 2 airs/streams Fridays on Starz.