It's a new week in the Big Brother season 26 house which means it's time to crown a new Head of Household (HOH).
With Chelsie Baham using her HOH to take out Lisa Weintraub, Angela Murray and Kenney Kelly remain in the house for yet another week. Angela and Kenney securing power would mean that the house would have to find a different target to want to get out instead of going for the same people every week. However, if Angela and Kenney can't get it together this week, it seems that it's going to be yet another week where the house chooses to go with the safe target. Or so we think.
Here's who won the third Head of Household of the season as well as who is currently on the block for eviction!
Cedric Hodges secures victory during the third HOH competition
For this week's HOH competition, the houseguests played "Ainsley Land".

In this game, the houseguests raced through a series of different beams with different numbers at the end of them. The goal was to buzz in the most numbers (totaling the highest number) in the shortest amount of time.
Quinn Martin held the lead for some time. However, Cedric Hodges made it a point to show the house why he isn't someone who isn't to be underestimated. He may be the youngest in the house, but that isn't a testament to how formidable he can be.

Before Cedric even had the chance to think about who he wanted on the block, Kenney Kelly nominated himself. Kenney isn't feeling too comfortable in the house and is ridden with homesickness. He knows he's on an island by himself and rather than position himself better, he rather throw in the towel.
As for the second person, Angela was the obvious choice since she isn't the best person to work with because of her emotional instability. What's more, Angela was very close to figuring out Cedric's alliance, The Pentagon.
With one nominee down, Cedric had to ponder two more houseguests to put up. He thought about Makensy Manbeck, but since Makensy disclosed that she had a game-changing power, Cedric knew targetting her this week would be a non-factor. And so, he thought about using a pawn, a pawn who can win a competiton if need be.
In the end, here are the three people Cedric Hodges decided to put up for eviction this week:
- Tucker Des Lauriers (pawn)
- Kenney Kelly
- Angela Murray
Cedric says that his main target is Angela, but with the Golden Power of Veto up for grabs, anything can happen.

Let's see who can secure the Veto! Be sure to tune in to a brand new episode of Big Brother season 26 on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at 8:00 p.m. ET on CBS!