The newest episode of Shrinking season 2 on Apple TV+ wasn't as super eventful as perhaps some of the previous ones, but it still moved the story forward effectively and provided some heartwarming moments between Jimmy and Alice, which are my favorite. Here's our review of Shrinking season 2 episode 9, "Full Grown Dude Face." SPOILERS BELOW.

Let's start with the standout part of the episode for me, and that's Alice and Jimmy. She's ready to be a bit more social and remove herself a bit from her grief where it's not taking over her entire life anymore. That starts with potentially dating, and that comes in the form of Dylan. Aka Dyl-Pickle that Jimmy and Tia had nicknamed in the flashback we saw in episode 8 last week.
Alice isn't sure about him since they've only gone out once, but it's time to find out if he's worthy of her time. The scene where Jimmy and Dylan meet is hilarious, as Jimmy reveals the silly nickname to him. And is shocked at his ful grown dude face. That facial hair is impressive, dude! Jimmy chokes on a grape and Dylan saves his life. Not a bad first meeting with the father, I guess. This scene just made me laugh so much.
Per Paul's advice, Jimmy tries to give Alice space in the independence she needs. And Paul told him if he does that, then he may be the person Alice calls when she needs him. And that's exactly what happens. She's trying to figure out a way to navigate moving through life with the reality of her mother dying, and others knowing about it. Jimmy suggests making a joke, which sometimes works. And thankfully, it does for Alice at the party. And it seems like Dylan could also be sticking around.

This was a big episode for Brian and Charlie who were very close to getting a baby. The mother is choosing between them and another couple, and is meeting with each of them to decide who will adopt the baby. After Brian's spiraling and awkwardness due to nerves, which we definitely can't blame him for, he and Charlie really seem to connect with the mom. Even so, surprisingly she goes with the other couple.
I wasn't expecting this to happen. Though it does feel a bit realistic, which I appreciate. Sometimes you connect with someone else over something, but it doesn't always work out. But not going to lie, I thought Charlie was going to yell out "just kidding." I wonder if it's a no now, and then later in the season perhaps there will be a surprise where they do actually get this baby.
Or maybe another one comes along. We'll have to wait and see how the rest of Shrinking season 2 plays out. Also pro tip: go to Liz if you need a drill down on all things parenting. She's got your back and will do it quickly and efficiently!

Finally, the last big plot point in season 2 episode 9 is Gaby's familial boundaries. Or lack thereof. Her sister wants to join the army, which means Gaby now has to take care of their mother once again. She'd like her mom to stay in her own home, and she gets her an at-home caregiver.
However, her mother expects to move in and Gaby isn't able to say no. She caves and it looks like she's got a new roommate. It's really hard to put up boundaries and say no to family sometimes, especially our parents. So I feel for Gaby. Though if she wants to be comfortable, she's going to have to find a way to say something.
Overall, Shrinking season 2 episode 9 had some really great moments. As mentioned, even though it wasn't as dramatic as some of the previous episodes, that doesn't mean it felt like a filler either. We don't always need something big to happen or a major cliffhanger to occur for an episode to feel enjoyable. Especially with last week's jam-packed episode, we needed to slow down here. I will say that since Sean made up with his dad, he hasn't been doing much and is feeling like a side character. So I hope that changes soon. Otherwise, I'm really happy with this one. Episode grade level: B.
Shrinking season 2 releases new episodes Wednesdays on Apple TV+. Follow along on Show Snob for weekly reviews of the series!