Last week's episode of Surface season 2, episode 4, "Legacy," left us with a plot twist. I'll be honest, it's not the most original. But, things are starting to get a bit more exciting finally, so I'll take it. Season 2 episode 5, "Daybreak," sees Sophie/Tess and James team up while the messy Huntley family, or most of them at least, bring some secrets to light. Here's our review of the episode on Apple TV+. SPOILERS BELOW.

After the revelation and Sophie/Tess putting the pieces together, of course she does what she does best and does her disappearing act. Tess leaves the country estate without saying goodbye to Eliza. And once again this girl is all sad over her former friend and sister, unbeknownst to her. I'm sorry but there's literally nothing appealing about the Eliza character. She's been the same since meeting her in the first episode of the season.
Anyway, it turns out their father, Henry Huntley, finds out about Tess. And his sister knows the truth too. While I had assumed he had an affair with her mother, it turns out they knew each other at Oxford before he was even married or met his wife. Though of course, William Huntley got in the way. And not learning from his father's mistakes and checkered past, now he's doing the same to Quinn.
So Quinn really didn't kill Phoebe, it was his father who was behind it. And he learns he has a sister as well. Obviously their relationship is difficult because Quinn does actually feel guilty for his family's history. Even if he goes about doing and hiding things the wrong way ab it. Huh. Who saw that coming? He's sort of a decent person. Definitely not me.
We also get a glaringly unsurprising revelation that it is indeed Callum's co-worker, Claire, who's been feeding information to Quinn. We really don't learn much else and don't see Henry telling Eliza the truth yet. But he has asked her to come and she was looking at pictures of Emma. So he's about to tell her, we assume.

I also thought it was interesting that James and Sophie sort of teamed up in Surface season 2 episode 5. He needs money for the mess Sophie left behind in America and he claims he wants to start over. She gives him the money he needs and then some. And then really Sophie. I rolled my eyes when she unlocked the USB with the passcode right in front of him. Like, girl. Be more discreet. It wasn't that hard to do.
Finally, the episode ends with Callum confronting Sophie about her name, Tess Caldwell. It's clear she's stolen the identiy of a young girl who passed away. The question is, why? Of course with missing memories, she's shocked at this news and is left reeling. Overall this episode wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. I just feel like the storyline this season isn't as interesting as the first. And it really doesn't need 8 episodes to tell it. Things just feel like they're dragging a bit honestly. Episode grade level: C.
Surface season 2 releases new episodes Fridays on Apple TV+.