Sweetpea episode 5, "Someone's Been a Naughty Girl," was a much better episode than last week's in my opinion. And with it being the penultimate episode of the season on Starz, it make sense that things get ramped up and there's actually quite a shock. Let's get into our review. SPOILERS BELOW.

It's a minor thing, but as a viewer I actually appreciate that the show portrayed the realities of someone being tied up in your house for days. Rhiannon has Julia going in a bucket and she has to throw it out and clean it all herself. Ew. But tha'ts what you get for kidnapping someone. I mean, there's the simple aspects of going to the bathroom and eating that are usually glossed over. But this makes it more realistic in a way.
In case things couldn't get any worse for Julia, she also gets her period. But Rhiannon has some decency to help her out and get her cleaned up. It's so interesting to see how even though Julia does have a certain fear with Rhiannon, it's due to her very abusive relationship with Marcus that she's able to handle the situation in a way. Because I would not be this calm if I wer in her place, that's for sure.
We, and Rhiannon, get an explanation as to why Julia was so mean to her in high school. It all comes back to the fact that Julia didn't feel good about herself, and possibly grew up in an unloving home based on her comments. And so, inflicting pain on someone else made her feel better and Rhiannon ended up an easy target for her. It's not what Rhiannon wants to hear, thinking it's going to be a bigger reason. But that's all there is to it.

Julia does apologize and says that she feels bad. I think she's genuine I guess. But she did continue to be rude to Rhiannon as adults too. That could have been her acting out due to the pain she's experiencing with Marcus though. Still. That doesn't give Julia the right to do what she did, both in the past and present. One important thing Julia did make Rhiannon realize though is that she's chosen to become a murderer. And perhaps she likes it. Which is not something Rhiannon wants to admit to herself. But I have to agree with Julia here.
Jeff is such a douche and so rude for no reason. I mean, why do you have to be so mean about a young woman who wants to work her way up at the newspaper? Of course he does find out about Rhiannon's lies thanks to Marcus. But I mean before that. Jeff was a jerk for no reason. Oh my goodness when he got hit by the truck and died the way he did, I was completely shocked!
With him seeing Rhiannon about to stab Marcus, I was wondering how she was going to get herself out that situation. She's lucky in a way I guess that she's been able to go as far as she has with the murders and not been caught. Still, Jeff didn't deserve to die in such a horrific way. Someone else who loses his life? Marcus.

Rhiannon comes up with a pretty smart trap for him, that way she and Julia can pin everything, including the murders, on him. That way Julia gets out of the abusive relationship and Rhiannon gets away with murder. Marcus is more messed up than he seems in terms of his jealousy, control, and manipulation. Before Julia can talk him down fully, Rhiannon just decides to push him and he falls to his death. Bye, Marcus.
I think Detective Marina is an interesting character and she's sort of reflect Rhiannon. It's what our central character would look like in terms of still going rogue and trying to find the answers, trusting her instinct, and working to prove herself to her colleagues and boss who don't respect her but in the right way. Not in the murderous, psycho, manipulative way. Marina is on to Rhiannon. Will she catch her in the finale? And if she does, is it possible she'd let her go because the two are so similar?
Sweetpea episode 5 was a really good episode that got the storyline moving and had our hearts racing as Marina finds evidence, Rhiannon almost gets caught, and finally Julia and Rhiannon's setting up the trap for Marcus. It was a much more enjoyable watch than episode 4 and sets up the finale next week well. Episode grade level: B.