The Night Agent season 2 episode 6 recap: Good agent, tough choices

Peter finally catches the bad guy, but there are some serious consequences.
The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 206 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024
The Night Agent. Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland in episode 206 of The Night Agent. Cr. Christopher Saunders/Netflix © 2024 | Netflix

The Night Agent season 2 episode 6, “A Good Agent,” opens with a flashback to Catherine Weaver (Amanda Warren) as Night Agent working with her partner, Noah, 13 years earlier. A man ambushes Catherine and Noah while they are setting up hidden cameras. The roommate kills Noah, but she eventually fights him off before calling the Night Agent line. 

Later, we see Catherine and her supervisor talking about what happened. Yuri, the roommate, flips in exchange for medical care for his mother and helps the US Government with the Pentagon leak that implicated Peter’s father, Peter Sutherland, Sr. 

Rose lies to Noor about Farhad

In the present, the story picks up shortly after the events of episode 5. Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) just learned from Sami (Marwan Kenzari) that Farhad is dead. To secure the documents from Noor (Arienne Mandi), Peter lies her family is fine, but Noor finds out that Javad (Keon Alexander) is suspicious after the party. 

Noor also feels like something is off, and she asks Rose (Luciane Buchanan) to tell her what’s happening. Rose lies to Noor about her brother and says he just broke his arm. Noor gives the pictures of the documents to Rose in exchange for the truth, but Rose panics. She can’t understand why Peter and Catherine are acting the way they are. She leaves to go back to the apartment while Peter and Catherine review the documents. 

Peter and Catherine realize the documents are not related to Foxglove

While reviewing the documents, Peter and Catherine realize the documents have nothing to do with Foxglove. Instead, the list is of Iranian defectors living in France. Later, Abbas (Navid Negahban) and Javad meet with Soloman Vega. They want to know if he recognizes Peter and Rose. He clearly does, but he lies and says that they don’t. 

Abbas and Javad bought those documents from Soloman Vega (Berto Colon) and his boss, Jacob Monroe (Louis Herthum). It appears that Iran plans to target those people later. 

Again, it has nothing to do with Foxglove, but Peter and Catherine identify markings left by a printer that will hopefully lead them to the person who gave away this list, which will then lead to information about Foxglove. So, it’s not a total dead-end, but it was not what Catherine and Peter were looking for. 

Tomas reveals that his father is planning a terrorist attack in America 

At The Hague Prison in the Netherlands, Tomas (Rob Heaps) visits his father and realizes that his father is planning, through Markus (Michael Malarkey), a terrorist attack in America. Instead of clearing his name by finding and revealing documents relating to the sale of chemical weapons, Viktor Bala (Dikran Tulaine) is going to use those same weapons again but in America, or so it seems. 

Tomas is still on the outside with his father and Markus, but it appears that he’s toying with the idea of joining the cause. 

On his flight back to the United States, Tomas informs Markus that he’s joining the cause. 

Catherine finds the spy who sold intel to the Iranians 

Catherine follows a French diplomat and spy, Jacqueline Laurent. At lunch, Catherine flips her for an introduction to the people she sold the intelligence to. Remember, Catherine and Peter think that will lead them to this mysterious man, Jacob Monroe, who has the secrets to Foxglove. It works! 

Catherine sets up a meeting with Solomon Vega and Jacqueline Laurent. Peter and Rose will run surveillance, but Monroe and Vega know what’s coming. 

At the apartment, Rose is not happy with how things are going. Catherine arrives, and she asks Rose for help. She explains that she needs Rose because things are quite dire at Night Action. Catherine has received approval to share the details of Foxglove with Rose. Apparently, that’s enough for Rose. As long as she knows what is going on and what she is working to stop, she can support the team! 

Together, they question if Peter is "a good agent," like Rose's aunt and uncle who were killed in season 1 or if he's going to break bad like his dad. We'll find out!

Noor learns Farhad was killed

Javad interviews Noor about some of the events at the party. Noor admits to leaving her phone upstairs while using the bathroom. Noor worries that she’s going to get fired for disobeying the rules, but Javad admits Abbas is dealing with the follow-out already. Javad reveals that Shrin, Abbas’s daughter, is one of the Iranian defectors on that list living in France. Noor tries to leave, but Javad takes her phone and puts it in his safe so he can inspect it later. 

Later, Noor is planning to leave, but Javad knocks on her door and asks her to follow him. It sure seems like she’s caught red-handed, but it’s not about what she’s done, not directly anyway. 

Abbas reveals that Farhad was killed after an altercation with police and a foreigner who kidnapped her mother. Abbas shows Noor a picture of her brother’s dead body to confirm that it is him in the photo. She confirms that it is her brother, and then she leaves. Javad and Abbas don’t follow her. 

Peter captures Solomon Vega 

During the meeting with Catherine, Jacqueline, and Solomon, it’s clearly a setup! All of Solomon’s people from Thailand are there to catch Peter, but Rose realizes that they are somehow accessing the comms they are using, which explains why they knew what Peter and Alice (Brittany Snow) were doing in Thailand. 

Solomon kills Jacqueline and holds Catherine at gunpoint while Peter tries to find a way into the building and Rose lures Solomon’s team away. It works, and Peter interrupts the meeting, saves Catherine, and takes Solomon into Night Action custody.  

What an episode! There are so many question marks remaining. We still don’t totally understand what Tomas and Markus are planning to do, how Foxglove is involved, or what’s next for Noor after she learns that her brother has been killed and lied to by Peter, Rose, and Catherine. 

Hopefully, Peter and Catherine can get some answers from Solomon and start to put more of the pieces of this puzzle together.