Ford Makes some new Enemies in the Preview for ‘Trompe L’Oeil’

‘Trompe L’Oeil’ shows a meaner Ford and Maeve with a new-found lease on life.

It’s safe to say at this point that things on Westworld are really beginning to unravel. Dolores and William are chasing the truth (Logan might actually be dead,) Bernard may be a Host, Theresa is betraying Ford, and Maeve is taking control of her life. And that by no means is a full representation of everything that is going on. ‘Trompe L’Oeil,’ otherwise referred to as episode 7, promises to stretch the limits of Ford’s control over his creations.

It looks like Maeve is going to have a nasty run-in with some of the creepy lab techs. The real story here, however, is Ford. The park is slowly slipping out of his control, and that’s not something he likes. His statement on the Hosts is a perfect distillation of his own philosophy. We don’t check in with Teddy or the Man in Black, but we did spend a bit of time with them in the previous episode.

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This will begin Westworld’s race to the finish. Including episode 7, there are only 4 left. We already know that Westworld isn’t going to wrap up all of those precious loose ends, but it does help knowing that season 2 is in the works even though it hasn’t actually been renewed yet. The ghost of Arnold has been hanging heavy over the park in the last few episodes, and his presence is only expected to add more stress to Ford’s life. Add in the new check-in from Delos and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

Next: Jeffery Wright talks Westworld.

There’s no real hint that ‘Trompe L’Oeil’ will get our heroes any closer to the entrance of the labyrinth, wherever or whatever that really is. The fate of Elsie is also left unanswered. Expect at least one of those burning questions to be answered — probably the latter.