Is There Really Going to be a Samurai World on Westworld?

The Westworld finale left one, huge question dangling in the air: Samurai World?

Don’t worry, we’re going to have plenty of time to ponder Westworld’s many questions before season 2 arrive in 2018. We do have some ideas on how the producers are going to help us fill that time, but there is one little mystery that the finale teased us with we’re not likely to get any answers to anytime soon. What’s up with hose samurai Hosts, and are is a hint to Samurai World?

Well, that’s a little complicated. Westworld’s producers, Jonathon Nolan and Lisa Joy , have previously said that we won’t be seeing other “worlds” on Westworld. That likely nixes the idea of a full-blown Samurai World, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t be seeing samurai on season 2 or beyond. When Maeve, quite directly, asks Felix about the samurai, he only responds with an anxious “it’s complicated.” Not so helpful, Felix.

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Speaking with Deadline after the season finale, Jonathon Nolan said that he hopes season 2 will further explore the Samurai World idea in some way. He also teases answers to other nagging questions, such as Ford’s fate. Bet you thought you had that one figured out, huh?

It is possible that Ford and his team were experimenting with other Hosts and world ideas but didn’t get a chance to implement them. Samurai World could be a holdover from a different time, a different idea of what the park should be. Or it could be a merger, of sorts, with the park we already know. Getting the most of both worlds, if you will.

It’s the sort of question that tends to frustrate. Not only does it come straight out of nowhere, the only purpose that the dueling samurai could possibly have at this point is to make us wonder (still) just what is going on. And it worked, so that’s something.

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There haven’t been any hints that the samurai are part of Ford’s narrative, so we may not see them out and about slaughtering Delos employees. But they must serve some greater purpose other than a tease — Westworld has enough questions floating around that it doesn’t need to create extra ones that it has no intention of expanding on.