Watch Allison Williams talk About Saying Goodbye to Marnie on The Late Show

Allison Williams does indeed look like a Disney princess

This is the last season of Girls, so that means that the actors are out giving interviews and doing the late night circuit. Allison Williams was recently on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and talked about Girls and what it’s like to say goodbye to Marnie. Oh, and also watching years of awkward sex scenes with her family.

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Allison Williams is there eon double-duty: she has to talk about Girls ending as well as promote the new horror film, Get Out. By showing a clip of Get Out before Williams walks out, and not Girls, you would think that the interview would focus more on the former – that’s not the case. Girls takes up the majority of the interview, with Get Out only getting a few spare minutes at the end. In case you were wondering, yes, dying her hair was sort of a way for her to part from Marnie, who she openly admits that “no one likes.” Well, yeah, okay, that’s fair.

After six years, watching Marnie’s sex scenes with her family has become no big thing. Girls is all about awkward sex, so it was likely a little strange at first. But after being on the air for so long, it’s now just a regular thing that nobody bats an eye at. Outside of saying that she’s going to miss Girls and seeing her friends, she doesn’t talk much about the various storylines in play for season 6.

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Marnie has never been anyone’s favorite character, though she has become oddly endearing over the past two seasons. Watching her breakdown after Desi loses his mind earlier in the season has definitely been a highlight.