HBO has that new Movie Premiere Intro you Asked For


An 80’s icon is getting a modern facelift

Is it possible for a piece of entertainment news to come out of nowhere, yet still seem thoroughly unsurprising? Perhaps there’s a German word for it, as there is for so many things. Anyway, HBO has announced that they have revamped their iconic HBO Premiere intro for the first time in a while. Sure, nobody out there has been clamoring for a new intro like this – HBO even points out that the 80’s edition is still so beloved – but all things change with time.

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The new intro ramps up the epic feeling by a factor of at least 10 – what’s more modern than being epic? HBO is probably hoping that this revamp becomes as popular and iconic as the original, but we’re a tad skeptical of that. It at least gets the comfortable feeling of watching a movie with friends or family right, which is at least half the battle. The HBO press release states that movies (theatrical, not their own) accounted for 72% of all viewing across all platforms for 2016. That’s an impressive number, as it has become fairly easy to forget that movies are still HBO’s bread and butter.

The network will apparently be celebrating great movies all month-long, in something that they’re referring to as a “promotional stunt” (odd wording) across both HBO Go and HBO Now. It’s not clear if this is different from what they’re doing for Women’s History Month.

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While this doesn’t quite count as original HBO programming, it’s still a huge part of the network, and a revamp of the intro is kind of a big deal. It will premiere on TV this weekend ahead of the HBO premiere of X-Men: Apocalypse.