5 burning questions from the Game of Thrones SDCC trailer

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5. Will Melisandre join forces with Daenerys Targaryen?

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Melisandre and Daenerys Targaryen seem like the perfect match. Mel is a red priestess of the Red God, while Dany is the Mother of Dragons…their meeting and joining forces once Dany arrived on Dragonstone seemed inevitable.

But will they really join forces? Daenerys isn’t one to be swayed by the prophetic ramblings of a priestess, but Tyrion would have told her by now, that he and Varys have met with another Red Priestess and basically formed an alliance in her name, while she was absent from Meereen in season 6.

Another factor that must be contemplated is Jon Snow and Davos Seaworth will arrive at Dragonstone in the next two episodes, and the last thing Davos said to Melisandre was that he would kill her if he ever saw her again.

Can Daenerys really afford to put a potential alliance in jeopardy in order to ask Melisandre to join her court? Would she even believe that Melisandre brought Jon back from the dead? These complications could put a lot of stress on Daenerys should she be forced to choose. But who knows? Mayne Jon and Davos can be understanding and just forget the whole Shireen burning at the stake affair.

Next: 30 Predictions for Game of Thrones Season 7

Game of Thrones season 7, episode 2, “Stormborn” will air this Sunday at 8 PM CT on HBO, and episode 3, “The Queen’s Justice” will follow the week after.