Good Girls recap: ‘Mo Money, Mo Problems’


While Good Girls seemed a little unsure of itself in “Pilot,” this week’s episode is confident in its storytelling.

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“Mo Money, Mo Problems,” has a few fun scenes but for the most part, this series is ready to push boundaries as the newest suburban family turned criminal drama. Everything falls into place this week, with the pacing and tone feeling consistent throughout the episode. With one of the best casts on television and a new storyline to keep the group stuck helping Rio, this season already looks incredibly promising.

Despite selling all of their prized possessions, all of the women are extremely short on cash to give Rio. Last week, he wasn’t all that intimidating as a gangster with an eye for kitchen tile but in “Mo Money, Mo Problems,” he solidifies himself as a worthy antagonist. Showing up at Ruby’s work, he offers the three an extra twenty-four hours to make up the missing sixty thousand dollars they owe. Of course, they’re unable to meet his deadline and for the first time, it genuinely feels like they’re in serious trouble.

Thankfully, Beth showcases her quick-thinking and incredible talent at lying. She manages to con her way into Boomer’s grandmother’s apartment where they plan to distract the old woman so they can steal her cash. Unfortunately, she has a change of heart (despite the fact that the old woman is a lonely racist) and sends the girls back to the beginning.

While Annie does steal a bunch of priceless collectible figurines that actually do make up for the loss of cash, Rio is not happy that they would expect him to actually sell them on eBay himself. Yet, this high-pressure situation is where Beth shines because she quickly convinces him to spare the group because their deaths would attract too much attention.

Mae Whitman was the standout in “Pilot,” but Christina Hendricks shines throughout “Mo Money, Mo Problems,” as a housewife who has felt sidelined her whole life. She’s finally taking control of her life, even if that means working with criminals to make ends meet.

All of the female cast members are extremely underrated by the men in their lives (with the exception of Ruby who actually has a healthy marriage), considering Boomer immediately insults both Ann’s and Beth’s intelligence. While Ann ends up groveling for money from her ex, she proves at the end of the episode that everyone seems to underestimate her intelligence.

After Boomer escapes, she takes an incriminating photo of him and makes it look as though he sent it to her daughter. It prevents him from running to the cops and puts out one of the fires the women needed to deal with.

This hour was fun — watching the women desperately try to figure out a way to solve their situation but still come up short. However, the end of “Mo Money, Mo Problems” makes logical sense in order to continue the season with the girls still committing crimes. These first two episodes have showcased Christina Hendricks and Mae Whitman and hopefully, Retta will get her chance to shine as well.

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She’s not as well-known as the other two, but in these past two episodes, she has more than held her own. Next week the women try to steal a car and smuggle something over the border from Canada, and naturally, it looks like they’ll still be struggling to get their criminal bearings.

Good Girls airs on Monday nights at 9 p.m. CST on NBC.

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