More ‘The Walking Dead’ spinoffs rumored, but should it happen?

Fear the Walking Dead might have company, as more Walking Dead spinoffs are rumored.

In a recent interview with THRThe Walking Dead showrunner Scott Gimple talked about the big plans he had for the brand moving forward.  Among those plans are more spinoffs.

"“We have a bunch of different things in mind,” Gimple says when asked if he has a first scripted project in mind. “Some things that are really complimentary to the stuff we’re doing now and some stuff that’s far afield and very different.”"

Unfortunately, the problem with all of this is people are beginning to get tired of TWD.  Over saturation is always a concern for any brand even in the best of times, which is definitely not the way to describe the current state of things.

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Granted, there are ways to make more shows as part of TWD universe.  They could possibly have a series take place further up north in Minnesota or even Canada.  In those locations, the winters would be longer and more brutal so the elements could potentially be just as much of a danger to the inhabitants as the walkers (there’s a chapter in Max Brooks’ World War Z that can attest to that).

Another possibility could be having taking a show to a smaller land mass like Hawaii or New Zealand.  In those locations, there could be an even bigger sense of isolation from civilization and a looming issue of dwindling supplies that would be almost inevitable.

Of course, as the saying goes, just because AMC and Gimple could do it, doesn’t mean they should.

While The Walking Dead ratings slowly started to decline around season 5, they’ve dropped like a rock since the start of season 7.  The much-hyped season 7 premiere attracted just over 17 million viewers.  By the time the season was over, however, TWD had already lost a third of its audience and dropped to 11.31 million viewers.

Things have only gotten worse for The Walking Dead since the start of season 8.  The ratings have plummeted even further — from 11.44 million for the season premiere to a six-year low of 6.82 million last Sunday. There are a number of reasons, and if the reception of the latest episodes is any indication, the ratings are not likely to improve in a hurry.

The numbers haven’t been any better over at the already existing Walking Dead spinoff Fear the Walking Dead

During the height of the main show’s popularity, FTWD started off strong with over 10 million viewers for its season premiere.  Since then though, it’s had trouble keeping an audience and the ratings have dipped to as low 2 million viewers.     

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So with audiences apparently leaving the brand in droves, why would they want to tune in to yet another show?  Better yet, will AMC want to sink more resources into additional shows when they’re already struggling to keep interest in the main show?

What are your thoughts on The Walking Dead moving forward?  Would you be interested in more spinoffs?  Keep the conversation going in the comments section below and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Twitter for more on your favorite shows!