Ash vs. Evil Dead: Ash fights a baby while Pablo becomes El Brujo Especial

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Pablo becomes El Brujo Especial

Pablo wasn’t dead though.

Thanks to Brandy using the Kandarian Dagger, Pablo was able to get to the spirit realm safely — with the dagger — and has a chance to return stronger than ever.

While he was down and out, his spirit went into the realm where he found his uncle El Brujo again. His uncle explains that he found this realm and kept it away from the evil, where none can find it.

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The naked woman that has visited Pablo this season was also there, and as El Brujo said, he sent her because he needed something to get Pablo’s attention, and that was a perfect choice. It is now time for Pablo to become a man.

It is time for Pablo to become El Brujo Especial.

Pablo: “Isn’t that the name of a beer?” — proving that even in mortal danger, Pablo can hit the best one-liners.

El Brujo tells Pablo that he has to make a choice. There are three vats of blood. Two are demon blood and the other is good. Pablo has to mix his blood with the right one in order for him to become the hero that he needs to be to help the Chosen One come out victorious.

El Brujo tells Pablo that he needs to see the blood but not with his eyes. Pablo tries to figure it out, and while he is struggling to find the way, his human body is taking a beating. When El Brujo cuts him, the skin is sliced open in the real world. When he touches him, his demonic tattoos starts to fade black on his skin.

When Pablo tries to figure out which vat of blood to mix his with, his entire body starts convulsing as Kelly and Brandy watch on helpless. Luckily, Pablo chooses the right vat and wakes up — all the demonic tattoos gone and Pablo now El Brujo Especial.

kelly is happy to see Pablo still alive, and finally — after two-plus seasons — she finally kisses him, which makes him feel very good. However, Pablo tells Kelly and Brandy that he has to find Ash because he is needed to help Ash stop the evil.