Hero Report: Arrow says goodbye to an original cast member

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Photo Credit: The CW

It’s mind-boggling how Arrowverse shows like Black Lightning and Legends of Tomorrow can be so consistently good but the flagship series can’t even write a proper goodbye.

In this week’s Hero Report, Arrow has a subpar return from the break with a mediocre send-off for one of the original cast members. Fans have blamed long-time showrunner, Marc Guggenheim, for the consistent downfall in quality and maybe the network should begin entertaining the ideas of a different writer.

If next season is the last one, it should be developed by someone with a clear-cut ending rather than dragging this poor show to its final episode.

Legends of Tomorrow– “I, Ava” 

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“I, Ava” might be one of the best episodes of Legends to date. Every single storyline felt fully formed this week that it’s hard to pick which group was the most interesting. It’s a reminder of how far the series has come since the first season where it stumbled quite a bit.

Now the show is confident in almost every character, including the new additions. Ava and Gary have felt like true members of the team this year making the former’s realization this episode more painful.

The title of the episode is a nod to the short story and later big-budget action film, I, Robot. It’s unclear if Ava is actually a robot, clone, or a mix of the two but the discovery still comes as a shock.   Jessica Macallan has done a remarkable job throughout the season but she shines in every scene this week.

Poor Ava suddenly has a crisis of identity discovering hundreds of other “Avas” all meant to serve the Time Bureau like she does. It’s something that will probably haunt her through the rest of Legends but might be the secret that Rip has kept from the team.

Hero Report Grade: A