Netflix signs second Mark Millar comic book series — Prodigy


Netflix worked out an agreement to partner with Mark Millar and his Millarworld comic book production company and they have signed his second new comic book franchise — Prodigy.

This is the second comic book that Netflix has announced from Millar, following The Magic Order.

The Magic Order hit comic book shops on June 13 and Deadline reported that it was the best-selling new comic book franchise in 20 years. Prodigy hits comic book stores on Dec. 5.

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Prodigy is about the world’s smartest man who is the go-to guy when nations around the world need a problem solved.

This is part of an overarching business deal between Millar and Netflix. Netflix is helping produce his comic book franchises and he is making a batch of new TV series for the streaming service.

This was a preemptive agreement that Netflix made with Millarworld when the word dropped that Marvel was going to the upcoming Disney streaming service and Netflix was losing those movies and TV shows.

When it comes to television, Mark Millar has two shows greenlit from Netflix to hit production. The first is the superhero epic Jupiter’s Legacy and the second is American Jesus.

American Jesus is about a 12-year-old boy who learns that he is actually Jesus Christ — something that might prove to be very controversial for Netflix.

Millar originally published American Jesus for Image Comics back in 2009. Jupiter’s Legacy was published — also by Image Comics — in 2013.

There is a good chance that both The Magic Order and Prodigy could end up as a Netflix series if they continue to sell well. They are both published by Image Comics but are owned by Netflix.

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Mark Millar is also bringing Netflix three brand-new movies — EmpressHuck and Sharkey the Bounty Hunter.

Empress is based on a comic book from 2017 and Huck was released in comic book format this year. Sharky the Bounty Hunter will be published as a comic book in 2019.