This is Us season 3, episode 6 recap: Kamsahamnida

Yet another filler episode week for This is Us … but still good for backstory-purposes!

I’ll start this week’s This is Us recap with the startling fact that I didn’t cry. Not once. This is a first for me.

With that said, this was another “filler” episode for me. Kevin is still trying to find out more information about his father. Beth is still coping with her firing. Randall is still trying to win the people of North Philadelphia over. And Toby is still in bed.

Randall stands up to his bully

This week’s flashback coincided with Randall’s campaign story pretty nicely.

Tired of Kid Kevin’s constant bullying, Kid Randall asks Jack to teach him how to box. The only problem is, Rebecca is completely against boxing and has forbidden it in the house. So, Randall makes up a bully at school, and Jack secretly teaches him jabs, crosses, hooks. Of course, Rebecca walks in on them and freaks out.

At first, Jack is ready to punish Randall for lying, but Randall tells Jack that since he isn’t his “son-son,” fighting doesn’t come naturally and he needs to be taught. Don’t you just want to hug Randall at all stages of his life?!

In the most Jack way possible, he explains that he has something more important than strength, he has a brain, and he can outsmart bullies with a smile.

Cut to the campaign, Randal attends a service in a church in the district he’s running in. Councilman Goode, before he does a reading calls Randall out, which is disguised as a compliment.

Randall knows he needs a new strategy.

When he meets Kevin in a Korean restaurant, the direction he needs to take his campaign in becomes clear.

The Manny is apparently huge in South Korea, and people are approaching him left and right for a picture. So, Kevin helps Randall connect with the residents of Koreatown which so happen to be in his district! He even gains a campaign manager.

So, when Randall visits the councilman just to say I know your game, and I can play it, too, he does it with a smile.

Beth has a meltdown at the mall

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Still trying to find her place in life without a career, Beth decides to help the girls sell their Girls Scout cookies at the mall.

After Beth forgets the swiper thing to scan credit cards, and Tess reacts uncharacteristically like a brat, Beth freaks out on the girls.

Deja, though is getting really good at the heart-to-heart talks and gives one to Beth, telling her she should talk to Randall so he can tell her she is extraordinary. When Randall returns from Philly on a high, he hires Beth to join his campaign. It’s a Band-Aid, but I’m sure this isn’t over.

Toby gets out of bed

Kate struggled this week helping Toby out of his funk. Audio also had a mishap in the dog park while Kate was distracted on the phone. This makes Kate question whether or not she could take care of a child when she can’t take care of her own husband.

Asking her mom for advice, Rebecca very sweetly assured her this is a normal feeling, and there’s no right or wrong way to make decisions. You just have to bite the bullet and do it.

Worried that Kate will leave him because of his depression, Toby finally gets out of bed, gets dressed, and accompanies Kate to the dog park. Kate reassured him that she will never leave him. So, I guess there’s nothing left to do but worry about baby names. But you and I both know, that’s not how this show works.

Good morning, Vietnam!

The only thing left to add is that Kevin is going to Vietnam to find the girl in the picture. This is against Randall’s warning that there must have been a reason Jack didn’t talk about his time there.

Kevin and Zoe take a huge step in their relationship when Kevin asks her to accompany him, and she accepts. Again, we already knew this was happening from the flashforwards at the end of last season, but now we know how it came to be.

So, that’s it for this week! Hopefully, I’ll get my cry on again next week – my tear ducts are building up.