DC Universe’s Titans – Ranking the season 1 episodes

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Titans Ep. 108 — Photo Credit: John Medland / 2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Episode 10: Koriand’r

An unexpectedly spooky episode with some good jump scares, but “Koriand’r” sadly has little of Kory in it. Her story is subsumed by the Rachel-Angela dynamic, though we do finally learn about Kory’s origins as an alien who was sent to Earth to stop Trigon from returning. And we see Donna Troy (Conor Leslie) wield her Lasso of Persuasion! Wonder Girl for-the-win.

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The episode feels a bit rushed at times like it can’t wait to get to the denouement, but that’s easy to overlook when the final scene brings Trigon to our realm. Seamus Deaver is not the person we were expecting as the red, horned villain but this is going to be fun nonetheless. Despite its flaws, for keeping viewers off-kilter for the majority of its runtime, we love this episode.

Episode 8: Donna Troy

Finally, a light-hearted episode! “Donna Troy” shows us a funnier side of Dick Grayson and introduces another fan-favorite character who immediately steals our hearts. Donna is brave, intelligent and a hero even without her super-suit. She has some of the most inspiring dialogue of the season in this episode, making it the most quotable.

What’s especially memorable about this episode is how much fun Dick Grayson is as a character when he lets his hair down and acts like an actual human being. It only took eight episodes, but with the introduction of a fellow ‘sidekick’, it finally feels like Dick is somewhat representative of his on-page character.

The episode also expands the universe of Titans with some massive name-drops like Wonder Woman, Joker, Penguin, and the Justice League. We won’t get to see these characters but its great to know they exist here.