Terry Moore working on Motor Girl adaptation for Hulu

Comic book artist Terry Moore created the amazing Motor Girl comic book in 2016 and now it looks like it is coming to Hulu.

A fan on Twitter posted that Motor Girl needed to get a TV series. Moore, who wrote all 10 issues of the series, responded and said that he was working that day “on the pilot script for the Motor Girl series on Hulu.”

That tweet was deleted by Moore soon thereafter, but not before Syfy Wire saw it and reported on his response. When the site reached out to Hulu, they didn’t get a denial but only that they could not provide any information on the property right now.

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Motor Girl features a woman named Sam who was an Iraq War veteran suffering from PTSD. She also has an imaginary friend who happens to be a big gorilla named Mike.

Sam works in a junkyard but when she learns the owners are planning to sell it, she suddenly sees aliens visit the junkyard. She believes it is a symptom of her PTSD but then discovers the aliens are friendly and the prospective buyer of the junkyard begins to threaten them.

The main theme of the series is Sam dealing with her PTSD issues.

According to Moore, who wrote and illustrated the series, said that he was influenced by Calvin and Hobbes and the idea of invisible friends. The series lasted for 10 issues, a new book coming out every six weeks or so, with it ending in November 2017.

There are currently two trade paperbacks that collects all 10 issues, although Moore did personally sell a limited edition hardback with the entire series in it as well.

While Hulu has not announced any sort of deal, the fact that Terry Moore admitted he was working on writing the pilot makes it almost sure that it will at least get a chance to make it to television.

Previously, Moore’s graphic novel Strangers in Paradise went into development for a movie while Rachel Rising has been making its rounds trying to find a home as well.