Missing Maggie on The Walking Dead? Don’t worry–Lauren Cohan is not done yet.
The Walking Dead ended for the season just last week, but there was just one thing missing–Maggie. Around the time we bid farewell to the character of Rick Grimes, we sort of lost Maggie too. But while Andrew Lincoln left the series for good, Lauren Cohan’s “exit” left in a gray area. This is largely in part to her new series, Whiskey Cavalier, on ABC. For those of you haven’t seen it–you’re missing out!
While in an interview with BUILD series, Cohan spoke about transitioning from the world of walkers to a world of secret missions and CIA/FBI agents. As you can imagine, it was very, very different, but during this conversation, she did have something interesting to say:
"“I think the transition was totally, just so many different emotions in one time and place. It was exciting to go into a totally different genre, but you never really—I mean, I haven’t left Walking Dead.”"
She hasn’t left, ladies and gentlemen! In fact, she spoke to EW Morning Live according to ComicBook.com, where she herself mentioned that she’s “definitely not done”. The Walking Dead did address Maggie’s absence randomly throughout the season (thankfully) by saying that she’s away with Hershel (who is now six years old!) helping Georgie out with a different community.
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She came up one more time in The Walking Dead season 9 finale when Michonne asked if anyone had heard from Maggie. Of course, we’re all curious as to whether or not Maggie will be back in season 10 to which Cohan replied:
"We’ll see what happens. There is definitely a lot of exciting ways [for it to happen]. And the universe, I’m still very much a part of it. And it’s not over. So, for me, that’s exciting. And I get so excited because we talk about different possibilities."
So, The Walking Dead fans, we can all take a huge sigh of relief knowing that Maggie will be back–one day. It may or may not be next season, but worry not, we will see Maggie again one day.