A Discovery of Witches: 5 reasons you should be watching this magical series

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Matthew Goode as Matthew Clairmont and Teresa Palmer as Diana Bishop – A Discovery of Witches _ Season 1 – Photo Credit: Robert Viglasky/SKY Productions/Sundance Now

2. The romance is charming

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At the heart of A Discovery of Witches is the relationship between Diana and Matthew. Yes, the romance does progress a bit quicker than usual, it’s easy to fall in love with these two. A large part of that is due to the immense chemistry between Matthew Goode and Teresa Palmer who are able to sell their characters immediate attraction. It’s also refreshing to see the two portrayed as equals in the relationship. Often TV shows or movies with vampire boyfriends usually have the female character be the one who always needs saving. Instead, Diana is able to match Matthew wit-for-wit despite his hundreds of years of knowledge. Despite the light stalking which comes standard with every vampire tale, their romance doesn’t blossom because Diana falls madly in love with a mysterious stranger. He wins her over by being earnest and honest which eventually wins her trust.

Over the past few years, shipping has also gotten very popular. A lot of the times it’s a fun way to connect with other fans but sometimes it becomes very competitive and will fandoms break up into different sections based on various ships. It’s a change of pace on A Discovery of Witches where the show is confident in all of its relationships rather than looking for drama in the form of love polygon.