The Tick: Amazon cancels series after two seasons

Amazon cancels The Tick after two seasons.

After two fantastic seasons, Amazon has decided not to move forward with more episodes of The Tick. The news came during the week from show creator Ben Edlund, who tweeted out that he will try to find a new home for the series.

While Amazon has never shared its viewership data with subscribers, The Tick had a built-in cult status thanks to its original incarnations. Edlund not only created the Amazon version of the show, but was also responsible for the original comic book, animated series, and the 2001 show.

As Edlund mentioned in is tweets, the hunt is now on to find a new home for the series. There’s a passionate fanbase which has been following the character for years who would love to see it continue. Amazon’s version has been critically beloved, with season 1 scoring a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and season 2 actually hitting 100%.

Fans have already rallied behind the show, with a Twitter campaign trending almost immediately. The creative team also took to Reddit to share the attempts to get the series saved and encourage users to join in to show their love.

However, the big question remains: where could The Tick end up?  Netflix, Hulu, or the upcoming streaming service for Warner Brothers could be contenders. Yet it’s unclear if Amazon would be willing to sell the streaming rights for the two seasons they have already produced. It’s the same problem that One Day at Time fans have learned after Netflix steadfastly refused to let go of the seasons they had already made. One of the show’s stars, Griffin Newman, tweeted out that crowdfunding a season 3 is impossible however he believes a network move could be “feasible”.

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If you want to join the fan campaign, be sure to tweet #SaveTheTick now.

Do you want to see The Tick get saved? Be sure to tell us in the comment section below!

Source: Deadline