The Handmaid’s Tale season 3, episode 9 recap: Heroic

So, let’s talk about that episode of The Handmaid’s Tale, shall we?

The Handmaid’s Tale has been interesting, to say the least, this time around. Each episode feels different than the one before it, and I’m always expecting all hell to break loose, but then it doesn’t. Like this week, for example. In last week’s episode, Ofmatthew flies off the handle and is shot before she can cause any more damage.

And since she is June’s walking partner, June is forced to sit in the hospital room with her. Well, not exactly sit so much as kneel but you get the point. And basically, the entire episode plays out just like that as June sits there singing “Heaven is a Place on Earth” to the beat of the liquids in the IV pack.

I’m not sure why June is restrained to sitting inside of the room, but then again, nothing ever makes sense in Gilead. Ofmatthew isn’t doing so hot either as she is essentially brain dead and hooked up to life support, at least until her baby is ready to be delivered. You see, Gilead only cares about the baby, not so much the person carrying it.

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After sitting in there for about a month, June grows impatient and even attempts to end Ofmatthew’s life then and there, but is unfortunately blocked by all the alarms that alert the medical staff that something is wrong. Being stuck in this room for so long, June is starting to lose it and decides to take matters into her own hands one day.

She rummages through the box of used syringes to find a scalpel and decides to use it to kill Ofmatthew, along with some others on her hit list. Before she can do much of anything, Janine walks in and stops her from doing anything. The next day, Serena pays Ofmatthew a visit which once again inspires June to do something crazy.

She asks Serena to stay behind and as soon as she gets close enough, she goes in for the stab—but doesn’t really cause much damage. Instead, June gets hurt when Serena slashes her hand with the scalpel. It’s all pretty gnarly and Serena seems disappointed when she realizes June has completely lost it. Do you really blame her, Serena?

Serena complains about June, but the doctor isn’t too frazzled by it all. He really only cares about delivering the baby and it turns out he knew June’s mother, so things are all gravy between them. The Handmaid’s Tale never fails to make things seem so odd and unsettling.

For an episode that was strange and odd, it ends on a pretty good note. Natalie’s baby is delivered, she’s taken off of life support, and then June realizes that she’s been a bit unreasonable through it all. So, she sits by Natalie’s side and promises to get her baby boy and in fact, all the children out of Gilead. She’s not going to stop until she does. Well, then, it’s nice to see June is back!

New episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale premiere every Wednesday on Hulu!