Orange Is the New Black season 7, episode 5 recap: Minority Deport


Keep a big box of tissues by your side before you watch this episode of Orange Is the New Black.

Orange Is the New Black is spending a lot of its final season focused on immigration issues, primarily through Polycon’s new ICE detention center. I appreciate that they’re doing this because it’s a reality we all need to know more about and don’t know enough about. Of course, I wasn’t ready for what was coming by the time the episode ended, but I was just happy to get an episode that had me engaged from start to finish.

Before we get into the meat of the episode, let’s talk about Piper. Life has not been an easy adjustment post-Litchfield so she decides to have a “snow day” with her brother, Cal. They both get high after Cal reassures her that using Visine will render her pee test invalid whenever she takes it. Of course, that is not what happens and she ends up coming clean about what she did. Luckily it didn’t have any negative consequences besides having to attend NA meetings.

Meanwhile, Aleida is having a really hard time with her daughter. You know, the whole her dating a guy twice her age and getting involved in drugs with him. She hopes that taking her to visit Daya will teach her a lesson but it most certainly backfires when Daya calls her out for being a crappy mom. But the apple doesn’t fall from the tree as the classic Orange Is the New Black flashback scenes show a young Aleida hooking up with guys for money and being just as rebellious as her daughter is being now.

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Now, let’s talk about the emotional part of the episode that left me wiping away my tears by the end. While Blanca is off at her hearing and manages to temporarily get out of it thanks to copying the plea of the woman before her, Maritza is dealing with a much bigger problem.

You’ll recall that she is indeed illegal and recently acquired a way to contact a free lawyer. Seeing as how she’s surrounded by many other women in the same boat, she starts sharing the number.

Based on what happens after, it’s clear that she gets in trouble for doing so and as her punishment, she is deported to Columbia, a place and world she has no idea about. I just hope that everyone else finds out what happened to her because not knowing for sure would be horrible. Besides the fact that they literally can’t do anything about it.

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I have to say that Orange Is the New Black is really making me worry about Red. She’s forgetting things and just hasn’t been herself. Does she have Alzheimer’s? Is it just a consequence of solitary confinement? Please tell us soon, we’re worried!

The episode ends with Aleida learning that her daughter is with the drug dealer which prompts her to show up at his doorstep and beat the crap out of him. In the final moments, we see a heartbroken Aleida crying in the back of a police car as she is taken away in handcuffs. Well, that didn’t last very long, did it?

Let us know your thoughts on this episode of OITNB in the comments!