The Handmaid’s Tale season 3, episode 11 recap: Liars

Credit: Hulu
Credit: Hulu

The Waterfords get what’s coming to them in this week’s episode of The Handmaid’s Tale–didn’t we see it coming, though?

The Handmaid’s Tale is upping the ante, folks, and s**t is hitting the fan. This week, the Waterfords accidentally find themselves in Canada under the impression that they would find a way to reunite with Nichole. Of course, they were in for a rude awakening when they realized that it was just a means to get them on foreign soil and get Commander Waterford arrested for war crimes. I won’t lie when I say–justice was served.

Meanwhile, June is busy planning her 52 children escape but there’s just one slight issue, there isn’t enough space in Commander Lawrence’s car, which fits 10. And to add onto that, Eleanor is overwhelmed with emotion and decides to point a gun at her husband out of frustration for creating this world in the first place.

Thanks to June, Commander Lawrence’s life is spared because while she would love to end his life, there is stuff to get done that only he can help with. You know, like get 52 children out of Gilead. As we’ve come to realize in The Handmaid’s Tale, the Marthas run the show behind-the-scenes. But we learn in this episode, that the Marthas have more powerful Marthas looking over their shoulders at any point in time, and they’re not on board with June’s plan.

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After some persuading and vouching for June, the head Marthas allow June to proceed with her plan, but they aren’t going to have anything to do with it. And if anything goes wrong, it’s all on her. Unfortunately, the plan does hit a bump in the road when the next day, Commander Lawrence and Eleanor seemed to have disappeared with a note saying, “Sorry” left behind for June. Not cool, guys, not cool.

Given that June’s plan isn’t exactly working out, she’s definitely in hot water with the head Marthas, but luckily for her, Commander Lawrence returns after feeling his conscience take a hit. But we all know that’s not what happened here. He couldn’t leave, he didn’t have the authorization to leave. Instead, she has him take her to Jezebels where she meets with the bartender who just so happens to have access to a cargo plane, and then before she can get out of there, Commander Winslow calls out to her.


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Let’s just say that things take a dark turn when Winslow tries to force himself onto June, and she takes matters into her own hands–by killing him. Good riddance, I say! That guy ended up being a sleazebag. A Martha ends up walking into the room to see a bloody mess and helps June with the clean-up because it turns out she was in the cages and June saved her from them.

Okay, so let’s get this all sorted out in our heads. The Waterfords are under arrest, well Fred; Winslow is dead; June is still trying to go through with this plan. Can she actually pull it off? And will anyone link her back to Winslow? So many questions, no answers–at all.

What did you think of this episode of The Handmaid’s Tale? Let us know in the comments!