GLOW season 3 premiere recap: Up, Up, Up

Photo: Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin, Jackie Tohn, Ellen Wong, Gayle Rankin, Sydelle Noel, Marianna Palka.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Alison Brie, Betty Gilpin, Jackie Tohn, Ellen Wong, Gayle Rankin, Sydelle Noel, Marianna Palka.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

The show about a show based on a true story of an old show is back on Netflix with ten new episodes.

Ladies and gentleman, let’s get ready to rumble – on Glow that is!

Season 3 of the hit comedy series premiered in the wee hours of the night on Netflix. And if you’re like me, who woke up a little earlier than usual to watch the first episode, then you probably don’t need this recap!

But if you haven’t and you love spoilers, then keep on reading! Also, here is your full season 2 recap.

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As you may recall from the season 2 finale, the gorgeous ladies of wrestling found themselves canceled. So, they decided to pick up and move the show to Las Vegas. If you need a recap from the entire season to refresh your memory, here’s a great one.

The show picks up at the Fan-Tan Hotel and Casino. Fun fact, the original Glow series that this show is based on broadcasted their show from the now-defunct Riviera Hotel. So, the Fan-Tan is based on the Riviera.

The episode takes place on January 28, 1986, the day the Challenger exploded. It’s a day many will never forget when a space shuttle carrying seven astronauts exploded 73 seconds after liftoff.

Quick recap: After a national tragedy, the girls struggle with putting together their first show in Sin City. With her marriage officially over, Debbie tries to be taken seriously as one of the show’s producers. And we meet the fast-talking owner of the Fan-Tan Hotel, Sandy Deveraux St. Clair, played by none other than Geena Davis!

Photo: Geena Davis.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Geena Davis.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

It’s cringeworthy: Debbie and Ruth are promoting the show live in character as Liberty Bell and Zoya while watching the Challenger launch. Ruth takes the Russian trash talk on America a bit too far just as the vessel explodes. Later, Bash realizes his space-themed after-show party may be in poor taste.

Photo: Betty Gilpin, Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Betty Gilpin, Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Biggest surprise: At the beginning of the episode, Bash and Rhonda had yet to consummate their marriage. By the end of the 30 minutes, however, that was no longer true.

Photo: Chris Lowell, Marc Maron, Betty Gilpin.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Chris Lowell, Marc Maron, Betty Gilpin.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Not surprising: Although Ruth is still dating Russell, she can’t deny the feelings she has for Sam. While sharing a pre-party drink, they have a moment. If this season doesn’t end with at least some resolution to their sexual tension, I’ll be annoyed!

Photo: Marc Maron, Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Saeed Adyani/Netflix
Photo: Marc Maron, Alison Brie.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Best moment: Sam, Ruth, and Debbie end up in the elevator together on the way to the after-show party. But elevator doors close slowly. And the rest of the ladies file in rapid succession just as the doors are about to close. Rhonda, whose room the party is in, decides to walk down the steps so that she could ride the elevator with her friends. The mushiness is too much for Sam, who promptly hops off.

Photo: Ellen Wong, Alison Brie, Sydelle Noel.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix
Photo: Ellen Wong, Alison Brie, Sydelle Noel.. GLOW: Season 3.. Credit: Ali Goldstein/Netflix

Funniest moment: Before the show, Sam comes over the loudspeaker in the girls’ dressing room to give them a pep talk. After about five seconds, Debbie shuts it off to give a pep talk of her own.

Check back tomorrow for a recap of Glow‘s second episode: Hot Tub Club.