On episode six of Yellowstone’s second season, Jimmy finally found a rodeo event he was good at and made some money, John realized that the Beck brothers are a problem and that he may have to team up with Dan Jenkins and Thomas Rainwater to go against them, and Jamie killed the reporter who was planning to quote him in an article about his father, a crime Rip helped him cover up.
The seventh episode of Yellowstone, season 2, “Resurrection Day,” starts at dawn. Kayce finds his father in the barn prepping a horse for a ride. John says that riding his horse is the only way he can focus on the present.
Kayce asks if he wants some company but John says that Kayce has a lot of problems to take care of at the ranch first. Kayce points out that the problems will be there when they get back. John sees he has a point and tells him to saddle up.
Kayce tells him to give him a moment — he has to find someone to watch Tate. John says he’ll wait, but Kayce tells him he just needs to know what direction John’s heading and he’ll catch up. They both chuckle.
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They take a long ride through the ranch’s fields. They stop and tie up their horses at a specific fence. It’s the place where John’s wife, died. Kayce asks if he comes there a lot and points out it’s been 20 years. John corrects him — it’s been 21. But for John, it feels like yesterday. He confesses he was a better father when she was alive. He tells Kayce he hopes he never knows what that feels like but Kayce claims he already does.
After the credits roll, we’re in the bunkhouse with the ranch hands. They’re getting ready for work. Tate is hanging out on the couch when Rip notices him. He asks Tate what he’s doing there. Tate tells him that his dad told him to stay there. Rip comments that Kayce must have forgotten what the bunkhouse was like and brings him with him.
In the main house, Jamie is still a mess. He’s scrubbing his face and crying. Beth comes in and informs him that she blames herself to a degree. She tells Jamie all about his flaws, including his concern about how people perceive him. For him, morality and loyalty isn’t part of that equation. But now he’s finally done something that’s made him see himself the way the world does. Or at least the way she and their father see him.
Then she lovingly tells him he should consider killing himself. As usual, Beth is a lovely person. Talk about kicking someone when he’s down. Not that murderers deserve comfort. Still, that last part hits Jamie hard.
Thomas Rainwater meets the police at a house. One of the casino employees has been murdered and the authorities have never seen anything like it. The cause of death is strangulation but there’s something else. The victim’s hand was cut off and a knife was driven through it. Rainwater comments that it looks like a message.
Rip is taming a stallion and looking after Tate when Kayce and John ride up. They’re surprised to see Rip babysitting. Tate informs John they need to have a serious conversation. Kayce asks if he should be a part of it but Tate informs him he doesn’t have any money. The three men laugh. And Kayce thanks Rip for watching Tate.
In their private conversation, Tate tells John he’s made a decision: he’s going to be a cowboy. John says that’s a good thing since someday Yellowstone will be his. But Tate points out that he has a problem: he doesn’t have a horse. John agrees. Tate wants John to buy him one. John asks how Tate will pay him back. They negotiate and John makes it clear that the horse will be a big responsibility that Tate will be taking on. Tate agrees and then runs to tell his father.
At Dan Jenkins’ office, Teal Beck arrives to inform him that his liquor license has been suspended pending trial, even though that trial won’t take place until next spring sometime.
Meanwhile, Beth arrives at her office in town to find Malcolm Beck waiting for her. Beth tries to dismiss him but Malcolm tells her he won’t take long. Malcolm points out that her father isn’t a reasonable man. He respects that because he’s not reasonable either.
Malcolm won’t stand for having a casino built at the gates of Yellowstone. Beth comments that the Duttons don’t want it there either. Malcolm observes that despite that shared interest, the Duttons won’t help him stop the construction. Beth suggests he return to his town, they can handle it.
Malcolm says he doesn’t trust the Duttons to block the casino. The family has the political resources to do it but they won’t use them. Beth points out that her father’s reputation should garner some trust. Malcolm thinks the only thing John really cares about is his ranch, however, and when the property tax quadruples because of the casino he’ll have to find a new revenue stream. Beth tells him that’s her job.
Malcolm knows. And he also knows that the electricity source for the casino will likely come from damming the Dutton’s piece of the river. While that may not have occurred to John, Malcolm believes it has occurred to Beth and she’s planning to turn the ranch into a power company. He implies that if she plays dirty he will too. And she won’t come out unscathed.
Beth tells a story about acting out in her teen years, which leads to an insult. Malcolm comments that she may not be so tough after he’s done with her. She accepts his challenge.
Elsewhere, Kayce is driving Tate to his mother’s place. Tate talks about everything he’ll do with his horse the whole way there. As they approach Monica’s door, Kayce promises he’ll train the horse during the week and teach Tate to take care of it on weekends. Tate protests that John told him he’d have to take care of the horse every day, so he’ll have to come live on the ranch. Kayce tells him he can’t let his mother hear him talk that way, but Monica opens the door and says Tate’s right. Tate is thrilled and Kayce’s surprised.
They enter the apartment to find Monica packed. Kayce asks where she’s going. Monica says it depends on him. She confesses that she’s tried to move on but Kayce’s a part of her soul and she hopes he’ll forgive her. They kiss passionately and Tate tells them they should stop being gross.
At Yellowstone, John notices one of his shotguns is missing. He runs to find Rip and they ride into the fields. They can’t find Jamie. John asks Rip how much of the incident that has Jamie despondent he did. Rip is reluctant to tell him. John dismisses his concerns and Rip admits he didn’t do any of it, he just cleaned it up after the fact. John comments that what happened isn’t going away for Jamie.
They spot Jamie in the distance and John rides to him. Jamie sits in the field clutching the shotgun he took. John tells him if he commits suicide it’ll be all anyone remembers of him. No one will mourn him because he won’t be losing his life, he’ll be quitting it. It’s like John’s giving a master class in how not to approach a suicidal person.
Jamie agrees that he’s quitting life. John says that he won’t let him because it’s selfish. Jamie counters he can’t be fixed. John tells him that Jamie’s grandfather used to say that you can’t fix a broken wagon wheel but you can use the parts to make a new one. John reflects that he shouldn’t have sent Jamie to school, he needed more time on the ranch. John can still fix it, he can give Jamie that time, but first Jamie needs to give him the rifle. Jamie slowly hands it over. John pulls Jamie up and tells him they’ll start working on the new him.
That night, John stops Beth as she comes home. She tells him she needs to go easy on Jamie. She informs him that when he asked her to stay and fight for the family, he said fight everyone. He may not want to see it but Jamie’s the one they should be fighting the hardest.
John informs her of Jamie’s suicide attempt. Beth tells him in a week she’ll have Jamie ready to see it through. John tells her he doesn’t want Jamie to see it through. Beth questions his love for Jamie. John seems to concede.
Jamie packs up his room in the main house and heads out with Rip to take up residence at the bunkhouse. There, the men deal Jamie into their card game.
At the main house, John and Beth continue their discussion. Beth tells him about Malcolm Beck’s visit. Beth observes that Malcolm just wants to be feared. John says he’s not getting that. Beth agrees but says Malcolm’ll try.