Tidelands season 1, episode 7 recap: The Prophecy

Episode 7 of Netflix series Tidelands puts Calliope McTeer in greater danger, and we learn more about what Adrielle’s up to.

After killing Grayson (Daniel Roberts), Calliope “Cal” McTeer (Charlotte Best) and her brother Augie (Aaron Jakubenko) grapple with what to do next on Tidelands. Cal even declines to leave with Officer Corey Welch (Mattias Inwood), determined instead to understand what’s going on. Her main concern is Adrielle (Elsa Pataky), the queen of the Tidelanders ⁠— a dangerous group of half-human, half-sirens in a place called L’Attente.

The cellar-dweller and fallen angels

Tidelands reveals more about Adrielle’s seer, Genoveva (Cate Feldmann). Imprisoned in Adrielle’s cellar, Genoveva is selfishly used by Adrielle to deliver prophecies. In this episode, Adrielle shows Dylan (Marco Pigossi) the truth about Cal: Cal will apparently kill Adrielle. Dylan heads out to persuade Cal to stay away. Of course, Adrielle is a murderess herself, having killed Colton (Richard Davies) fairly recently. In fact, she had also removed the eye of a child, Gilles (Finn Little)! She’s also forged a business relationship with Gregori Stolin (Jacek Koman), which is what jeopardized Cal and Augie’s lives.

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However, interestingly, Stolin doesn’t seem animated solely by drug money. When he speaks to Adrielle now, he is interested in the mythology of sirens, considering them as fallen angels. While Adrielle hesitates to spill details to him, we learn more about their world when Bill Sentelle (Peter O’Brien) talks to Cal. He says the knife Adrielle used to kill Colton was actually a piece from an ancient war trumpet, and that the horn revives siren-kind while bringing about an apocalyptic wave of water. Sirens are likened to angels of death.  Also, Genoveva is revealed to be a former queen who knows more about the trumpet. As Bill and Cal head back to L’Attente, Adrielle knocks Genoveve out.

Kill Bill

Being crafty, Adrielle soon visits Augie and Cal’s mother, Rosa (Caroline Brazier). To get Cal’s attention, Adrielle has Rosa call Augie, so he can be kidnapped. It doesn’t work, however, as Augie escapes danger. Meanwhile, at L’Attente, the young Gilles brings Cal to Lamar (Dalip Sondhi), who helps them break into Adrielle’s place. They find Genoveva apparently dying on Adrielle’s cellar floor. They sneak off with a few trumpet shards, intent on fleeing L’Attente. They take Genoveva with them, leaving her near the water and revitalizing her youth. However, when Adrielle finds her later, she stabs and kills her. Bill Sentelle is also executed in public view of all the Tidelanders, claiming Bill betrayed them 100 years ago. Luckily, Cal is able to elude capture, although Adrielle sends Leandra (Jet Tranter) out to find and kill her.

This Tidelands episode sees even more death when Leandra kills Officer Welch, while Cal’s busy visiting her father’s body in the morgue. Yes, there’s every sense that Cal is in mortal danger now, However, if the prophecy is true (and it most likely is), Cal will still end up killing Adrielle at some point. It makes one wonder, is Adrielle really that intelligent? Isn’t she essentially bringing this death on herself? Oh well, some people don’t believe the prophecies shown right before their eyes. Still, take a hint, Adrielle! You literally have a visual aid as to how you will die, and who will do it! Why do so much to tempt fate (of course, Adrielle is only a fictional character, but still…)?

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