Question: is Jeff Goldblum the coolest guy in the world? I think you know the answer to that! So does National Geographic, which is why they’ve created TV series: The World According to Jeff Goldblum.
Everyone needs light relief occasionally. We all yearn for information; on different levels or echelons. And all people desire to be entertained in one way or another. This is why – at a time of evil upheaval – the acclaimed National Geographic tapped the coolest guy in the world for something the earth needs: The World According to Jeff Goldblum.
First of all, I’ll explain my once guilty pleasure of enjoying all thing in-blum – please excuse all puns and an overenthusiastic nature. It’s unreasonable for people to expect those born in the 1980s and who grew of age in the 90s whilst watching Jurassic Park and Independence Day at the cinema – not to love Jeff Goldblum.
In all seriousness, it was a bit of a mystery why this decent, yet non-starring, support actor with an eclectic back catalog and the fan base is so revered and loved.
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That was, of course, before the contemporary era of social media, cameras on everything and a public lust for comprehensive deconstructing of everything and anything human or otherwise arose. This is when the globe realised, then embraced affable down-to-earth celebrities completely. And Goldblum is a leader in likable, honest and congenial affairs. Also – predictably – a jazz musician, the adored actor has been in much-loved television and film for nearly 40 years.
Whereas some may say the expression ‘always the bridesmaid, never the bride’ of a backgrounder epitomizes Goldblum’s ‘stealing of the show’ from the sidelines and in lesser roles – gladly he is now the main attraction.
What is The World According to Jeff Goldblum about?
If I haven’t sold you on the new show yet, which premieres on the Disney+ streaming service on November 12, 2019, then take a trip over to Deadline and watch the trailer.
We find Goldblum in impeccable top form as usual in all scenes of the advert. In which, he informs us that he is the “novice, humble student”, attempting to learn all manner of things all over the world. From the ordinary to the extraordinary; how it is made and how it impacts our lives.
Will you be watching The World According to Jeff Goldblum? Be sure to tell us in the comment section below!