Orange is the New Black comes to a beautiful, fitting end as the series finale reflects back on the things and people we loved most about the show.
Orange is the New Black is the type of show that will forever be etched into our hearts. And this series finale is a representation of everything the series stood for. I absolutely loved everything about it, and I couldn’t have imagined it ending any other way.
As the finale begins, Piper is propositioned by Zelda to join her on a trip to the Hamptons. With things being so weird with Alex, it’s probably not the right time to go, but she decides to think about it. Piper may be conflicted about Alex, but her father is most certainly all about Zelda.
While visiting Alex, Piper learns that Alex is to be shipped off to Ohio. For a moment it feels like Orange is the New Black is going to end with Alex and Piper parting ways. But nope! Piper assures Alex that this is what she wants and the only person she wants to spend her life with is Alex. Aww, finally.
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As she ponders about what life has in store for her, we begin to see what Piper makes of her life as time goes on. She gets her own place, a job, and she’s still going strong with Alex! Words can’t express how happy I felt the moment I saw that they were still together, despite Alex being all the way in Ohio.
Things end up alright for Piper and Alex at the end of Orange is the New Black, but the same cannot be said about the now-deceased Pennsatucky who overdosed on drugs. As a result, Ward initiates a drug sweep of the prison. Daya and Hellman strike up a deal and as quickly as they can, Hellman makes off with the drugs and puts the drugs in the chickens at the coop.
Later on one of those chickens “lays” an egg aka drugs over which Linda fires Ward, and has Hellman take her place. WTF. Bad move, Linda, bad move.
Back in her cell, Taystee finds an envelope from Ward with GED certificates inside of them. Everyone who passed the exam was to be given one, including Pennsatucky. Ugh, I don’t think any of us want to relive the pain we felt at that very moment. It was such a gut punch.

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The Pennsatucky situation inspires Taystee to focus on something other than ending her life. She decides to create a fund in honor of Poussey. The fund will function to help inmates that are released from prison assimilate into life on the outside. Taystee would go on to teach a course about finances with Suzanne as her assistant.
Guess what guys? This is an actual fund. The official description is as follows:
"Supports non-profit advocacy groups whose goals are to reform criminal justice, protect immigrant rights, end mass incarceration and support women who have been affected by it."
And as Orange is the New Black approached its final few moments, we got one final surprise. Scenes began sifting through all the different prisons where all our favorite Litchfield inmates have been sent to. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone.
It was such a heartwarming farewell and one that I’ve watched multiple times since the first time.
Thank you Orange is the New Black for all the amazing moments you’ve given us over the years, and for all the happiness you’ve brought into our lives. It has been one hell of a ride with all of the characters and relatable stories. We each saw a reflection of ourselves in your stories, and we will never forget what you taught us.
You will be missed so very much.
What did you think of the Orange is the New Black series finale? Share your thoughts below!