Titans: Top 5 Moments from the season 2 premiere “Trigon”

Titans -- Ep. 201 -- "Trigon" -- Photo Credit: Sven Frenzel / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Titans -- Ep. 201 -- "Trigon" -- Photo Credit: Sven Frenzel / 2019 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Titans is back for its second installment and it looks more promising than ever with the introduction of Deathstroke and Batman into the fold.

Titans had a great first season even though the show lost its momentum with the awful season finale. The sophomore season has been promising much more spectacle and a change in tone to make it more of a furnished show. Season 2 is finally here now and while the season premiere titled “Trigon” feels more like a rushed wrap up to the show’s freshman season, there are still plenty of things to be excited for in this new season.

“Trigon” was initially going to be the finale for the first season but due to creative reasons, they decided to make the episode the season premiere for the second season, majority of the scenes were already shot back during the production of season 1 while they also filmed some new scenes after casting Bruce Wayne and Deathstroke to make it more of a season premiere.

Had “Trigon” been the season finale for the last season, it would have not only been a truly good season finale and a solid wrap up to the show’s first installment, it would have also allowed the show to make its case for an even better second season with an “actual” season premiere. It also seemed like the show didn’t actually know what they wanted with Trigon as his arc ended quite abruptly in a totally anti-climatic way because they wanted to just jump to the Deathstroke bit.

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But however the storyline might have ended, it seems it is for the better of the show as it couldn’t actually afford to do justice to Trigon as a villain but Deathstroke does seem to be right in the show’s ally and the show might just really kick off with the next episode.

Anyway, without further ado, let’s break this episode down and get to our top five favorite moments from Titans season 2 premiere.

5. Rachel snapping Dick out of the darkness

While Titans has always been heavily sold as an ensemble show about the core four, it has focused way more on Dick Grayson, and that has worked out fairly fine since he is undoubtedly the best character in the show. Dick’s relationship with Rachel is whole-heartedly pure and had made for some of the best scenes in Season 1. Even when Dick went to the dark side because of Trigon’s illusion and almost beat up Gar to near death, Rachel never did give up on him and as soon as she embraced her own light, the next thing she did was getting Dick out of his own darkness because she felt like she could not do it without Dick and it all did start with her having a dream about The Flying Graysons and the scene was a perfect nod to it. The scene of their reunion packed a solid punch and was definitely one of the episode’s best moments.

4. Robin vs Robin

Trigon takes Jason Todd to Dick’s illusion where Dick wants Jason dead to truly rid Gotham of the chaos after he had killed Bruce. And of course, Jason was not gonna give up that easily. So the moment led to a bloody action-packed Robin vs Robin fight sequence where Dick almost beat Jason to death (which seems like a very Jason Todd thing to do but Jason actually came across as a good guy here), somehow Jason found the gun which murdered Bruce’s parents and uses it to kill Dick.

3. Titans Tower’s first live-action appearance

Yes, you heard it right! Titans tower has officially made its live-action debut. During the final moments of the season premiere, we see Dick introducing the new Titans (Rachel, Gar, and Jason) to their new home and while it’s not on an island or T-shaped, it is in San Francisco just like the comics and is as luxurious as a Batman funded lair should be. We also get to see a suiting up montage of the original Titans from the past.

2. Bruce Wayne’s debut

Ian Glenn was also introduced as The Caped Crusader’s alter ego during the episode. And while he didn’t wipe the floor with his performance, he was just fine in the role and in time we can totally see him growing into the role. But what did totally work with him was his complicated yet heartwarming relationship with Dick. Dick finally realized why Bruce had always pushed him so much and had a beautiful heart-to-heart conversation with him. And because of how fascinating and brilliant the entire Bat-Family and the relationship between them is, the moment definitely is our number two for the episode.

1. Deathstroke

The episode introduced us to the real nemesis of the Titans, Deathstroke and while he did not have a whole lot of screen time, Esai Morales completely owned the role with his menacing performance. He is seen to be living under the radar but as soon as he finds out that Titans are back, he comes out of hiding and prepares to go back to business. We also get a good look at his armory and his suit, which by far is the most comic accurate Deathstroke suit ever and it looks like it came out straight from the comic book pages. And that was enough to get us super hyped up for what’s coming next and was certainly our favorite moment from the episode.

What was your favorite moment from Titans season premiere? Comment below and let us know.