Outlander could be getting potential spin-offs and sequels!

Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center
Outlander -- Courtesy of STARZ -- Acquired via STARZ Media Center

We just might live in a world where Outlander spin-offs could become a reality.

Outlander is all set to premiere its fifth season in just about a month, thus ending the Droughtlander that has gone on for far too long. In fact, any hiatus the show ever takes feels like torture, so suffice to say, I am so very happy we’re almost there.

Just this week, the cast and crew attended this year’s TCA panel to talk about the upcoming season, and what fans can look forward to upon its return. But perhaps the most exciting thing to come out of the panel is hearing that Outlander could potentially have spin-offs, according to Deadline! Wouldn’t you all love that?!

Apparently, according to STARZ CEO and President, Jeffrey Hirsch, the network has very much looked into this idea and is open to it. In fact, he said that as long as fans continue to watch and adore the show, we can expect it to stick around, and perhaps expand its universe.

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I mean, think about it, Outlander has an extensive list of characters that all have a story to tell. It would be pretty cool to see more of their origin stories or just a show specifically about them in the future. I know many would agree with me when I say Lord John Grey should be the first character they consider. His story would be compelling, emotional, and the perfect branch to come off the original Outlander series.

"We think there’s a lot of opportunity in the Outlander universe to have story extensions, spin-offs or sequels, we continue to look at that and talk with our partners at Sony. Hopefully we’ll find something that feels great and that we can continue to tell that story."

As of now, there is nothing in development, but at least there is some sort of hope with early talks. As I said, there are so many characters to pick from, and many that can be in a story together. I think the creative minds behind this will have some fun coming up with ideas.

Let’s hope we hear something soon! Until then, we have season 5 to look forward to.

Outlander season 5 premieres on Feb. 16th on STARZ at 8 PM EST!