Ozark season 3, episode 5 recap: It Came from Michoacán

OZARK - Credit: Steve Dietl/Netflix
OZARK - Credit: Steve Dietl/Netflix

Marty is back from Mexico, but will the heart of Ozark ever be the same?

Ozark gave us a run for our money as we feared for Marty’s life in the previous episode. But he’s back home, safe and sound, and it just might have made things better between him and Wendy–for now. But what’s worrisome is that Marty doesn’t waste too much time letting the events traumatize him.

I’m not sure he even processes it because the next day he’s back to making breakfast and telling the kids about what happened to him. NBD just got kidnapped by a cartel, imprisoned, tortured, and then sent back home. Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.

Ruth, for one, is relieved to see that Marty is okay and before things get too sentimental, Marty urges her to focus on the casino and the legit side of things. Is anyone else really worried about Marty’s state of mind?

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Wendy finally takes a call with Navarro to see exactly what happened in Mexico, and why Navarro ultimately sent Marty back. I didn’t expect him to say that he and Marty are alike, and because they share similar motivations, Navarro felt he could send him home.

Marty is eager to keep up the ruse of “I was in Kansas City” when he comes face-to-face with Agent Maya. And he doesn’t want her anywhere near his family. Well, then.

Navarro has given Wendy instructions to acquire a horse farm, so she and Marty set out to do just that in this episode of Ozark. Wendy tries to gauge Marty’s state of mind but he insists that he’s not only okay, but the whole experience has made him less afraid of Navarro.

And he’s planning on turning Agent Maya. Marty is confident that he can just do that, even though Wendy is seriously starting to consider if he’s sane or if she’s just afraid of him.

But let me shift gears here a little bit to focus on the whole Zeke case between Wendy and Darlene. During the hearing, Wyatt comes to defend Darlene and her standing as a good mother. And Darlene is so overcome by his support that they…sleep together when they get home. Yah, it felt all kinds of weird, if I’m being honest.

Helen isn’t so sure Marty’s plan to turn Agent Maya is going to work considering she has a vendetta against those who do wrong. Her father wasn’t the best man himself, and it’s because of his wrongdoings that she became a cop.

To put his plan into effect, Marty apologizes for being harsh with Maya the other day and says he will consider the offer. Of course, our resident Ozark sneaky casino owner plans to string the dear agent along in hopes that he will bring her over to the dark side. Easier said than done, Marty.

The horse farm story takes a dark turn when one of the horses winds up dead, shot, and with Helen lurking about. Somehow this ties back to Navarro, and once again, Wendy is caught off guard by all the shady shenanigans.

We end this Ozark episode learning that Agent Maya was the one that froze Navarro’s account in the previous episode and watch Marty confess he was in Mexico. Oh, and a phone conversation between Navarro and Wendy addresses one major point–Navarro says he owns Wendy, and she has no say in absolutely anything.

Well, then.

What did you think of this Ozark episode? Let’s talk in the comments below!