Pick of the Litter Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Off to Puppy College

PICK OF THE LITTER "Episode 101 - Meet the Dogs" (Disney+/Raymond Liu)
PICK OF THE LITTER "Episode 101 - Meet the Dogs" (Disney+/Raymond Liu)

In the last episode of Pick of the Litter, five of the six dogs passed their Final Evaluation. Will Paco have a second chance or will he be career changed?

At the end of the first episode of Pick of the Litter, five of the six dogs passed their Final Evaluation. After Paco has a relieving accident Devin Warner will have to find out if he will still pass or fail.

Episode 2 continues right where the show left off as Devin calls Pat Cook the Canine Resources Manager for Guide Dogs for the Blind about Paco’s accident.

Relieving accidents are grounds for a career change because the dog will need to relieve itself on a set schedule while working with someone who is blind. That way they will know when the dog is going to relieve itself.

Luckily for Paco, because he did not have a history of this accident he is allowed into the program under close observation. Paco passes, however, if this accident happens again he could be career changed.

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All six dogs have officially passed Evaluation Day and can move onto Formal Training. The episode uses six photos of the dogs that capture their individualistic personalities.

Unfortunately, Raffi came to a bump in the road when he chewed on Marikay’s house slippers the day before evaluation.

Because of this behavior, Tami informs Marikay that Raffi will need to be put in a transfer home to see how he does in a different environment. This also means he cannot move onto formal training yet.

Later in the episode, Marikay meets Jess who will be Raffi’s Second Puppy Raiser.

Stacey receives a call from Jenna Bullis the Director of Breeding & Canine Development at Guide Dogs for the Blind. They are interested in possibly breeding Amara.

The Breeding Department genetically selects dogs with the highest quality of traits for becoming a guide dog. Those traits will pass on future generations and create a higher success rate.

If Amara is chosen to become a breeder she does not continue with her training. On the plus side, she would be able to go back home to Stacey.

The episode introduces Kendal Lyssy, a Guide Dogs for the Blind Client at the University of North Texas. She received a call that she can possibly get a guide dog.

“850 people who are visually impaired apply to become clients at Guide Dogs for the Blind each year. Any person with a visual impairment living in the U.S. or Canada can apply for a guide dog.”

She lost her sight at three days old and her twin sister Nikki is blind. Kendal has light perception and started using a cane at three.

She explains how at eight years old she met her first blind role model with a guide dog. She was amazed by her independence with the guide dog.

After almost having an accident Kendal believes that a dog would have prevented it from happening.

The powerful episode continues when Recall Day arrives. Recall Day is when “the puppy raisers prepare to return their dogs to Guide Dogs for the Blind for formal training”.

This is proven to be an emotional day for the puppy raisers who have bonded with the puppies. They won’t see the dogs again until graduation day.

One by one Sangeeta and her son Mihir, Stacey, and Claudia and Martina drop off their dogs Tulane, Amara, and Tartan at the Guide Dogs for the Blind Campus in San Rafael, CA.

Each of them shedding tears for the dogs they have come to love so much.

Meanwhile, Paco and Pacino are recalled from Southern California and driven to Guide Dogs for the Blind campus for training. Together Sue, Roger, and their children said their goodbyes to Paco with heavy tears.

Kiel said goodbye to Pacino holding it together as best as he could.

With five of the six dogs together on the same campus, they begin medical examinations. They must pass them in order to continue in the program.

The show explains that dogs can be career changed because they might not be able to take on the job medically.

Paco, Pacino, Tartan, Tulane, and Amara all pass their medical exams which means they can begin the twelve weeks of training.

What did you think of Pick of the Litter Episode 2? Leave your answers in the comment section below! I’d love to read them!

Pick of the Litter is streaming on Disney Plus.