It's time for a new episode of Bad Sisters season 2, and this week we're looking at season 2 episode 4, "Person of Interest." We've already reached the halfway point of the season on Apple TV+. And this one was definitely a good one. Everything blows up in Becka's life very quickly. Here's our review. SPOILERS BELOW.

As mentioned above, a lot happens to Becka and in Becka's life in this episode. The biggest shocker is that she's pregnant! Obviously that's huge news and she's trying to process it. All that with Matt Claflin being back in town and dodging Joe. She feels under pressure with the police constantly showing up in their faces, and it all comes to a head when she's taken in to be questioned.
Becka insists on breaking into Angelica's house to find out if she really was blackmailing Grace. They need evidence. So she and Bibi go to do so. Before going in she has a nervous wee which made me laugh so hard! While her sister is able to get out, Becka isn't so lucky when Angelica comes home. And unfortunately when she pushes her to get out, Angelica knows exactly who it was and presses charges.

I was surprised Becka was being questioned that whole time without asking for a lawyer. What are the rules in Ireland? And if someone was there, she wouldn't have blurted out that Grace withdrew a huge amount of cash before she died.
Before leaving though, the sisters find a bunch of new things and a whole room set up for Blanaid. That's super weird and creepy. What are this woman's plans? Speaking of, that bully playing on the other team at Blanaid match was just way too much. Like, calm down. What's wrong with you? While Ursula was on lookout duty before her daughter got punched when all the girls at the match broke into a fight, Roger is there and hits on her. LOL. You're sweet but go away Roger.

The Garvey sisters convince Angelica to drop the charges and in exchange shew ants to scatter Grace's ashes. I mean, seriously. This woman is way too obsessed with this family. Go get a life. Becka tells Eva she's pregnant, but again is feeling super overwhelmed and ends up at Matt's. I love these two together, I really want them to work things out. They don't do anything, but they do snuggle and Becka feels better because she doesn't have to explain herself to him. He knows everything.
Somehow Joe finds out where she is and sees her leaving Matt's house. She does not handle it well and asks him for space, basically breaking up with Joe. Ouch. That was a little harsh. Though look, there's a lot going on. She has this unplanned pregnancy, she and her sisters are at the very least being looked at being accessories in John Paul's murder, and it's never easy when an ex-boyfriend shows up unexpectedly.
The episode ends with Ian showing up to speak with Angelica and he threatens her to stay away from Blanaid and the sisters. And he's kind of scary too. I mean, she definitely deserves it. But oop. Where did that dark side come from, Ian? I think Bad Sisters season 2 episode 4 moves the plot along effectively when it comes to the sisters trying to figure out their bully, providing some shockers, and even moving things forward with the detectives. Episode grade level: B.
Bad Sisters season 2 streams new episodes Wednesdays on Apple TV+. Be sure to follow Show Snob's weekly episodic reviews of the series!