It's time for another episode of The Couple Next Door, and this week is episode 4, "The Miracle," on Starz. And well, there's certainly a miracle. Or it is in some way, but is probably trouble for others. Let's get into the review of the episode. SPOILERS BELOW.

Evie's miracle in The Couple Next Door
Ok, let's start with the reason this episode is titled "The Miracle." Well, that would be because Evie is pregnant. Oop! It's not confirmed yet whether the baby is Pete or Danny's. Though after that comment about protection in the previous episode, episode 3 last week while Danny and Evie slept together, I have a feeling it's Danny's. We all saw this coming. And this is a psychological thriller with lots of drama already. So of course that's where the story is most likely going to go.
This is obviously a miracle for Evie since she's been wanting to be a mother forever. Though if it is truly Danny's, then this baby is also going to be trouble and bring more complications to the already complicated relationships happening between the foursome right now. Becka sees Pete and tells him Evie gave her the green light about the fateful night, which he's obviously surprised by because he did not in fact give Evie the green light. They didn't even discuss it properly.
As for Evie herself, it seems like she's honestly forgotten about Pete completely. All she can think about, and kind of obsesses over, is Danny. I don't know. Just like two months ago or whatever the timeline is here, you were in love with Pete. Suddenly, all love for him is out the window? Alright then, Evie. Though it's obvious she is starting to spiral mentally.
With Pete ignoring her most of the episode, the two finally talk and are definitely not in a good place. And well, thinking he's the father Evie's sister congratulates Pete when she talks to him on the phone, and that's how he finds out Evie's pregnant. We all know he's thinking what we're thinking too. Ouch.

Becka is having a tough time
Becka is having a tough time right now as no one has signed up for her yoga classes, she basically got fired because of it, and the website Alan created has spread amongst basically everyone in the community. His wife, Jen, is also covering for him. Which honestly, he doesn't deserve after all that he put her through. I find it ironic, but a good punishment, how now he's the one who can't go up the stairs. A small penance for all he's done.
But Jen finds the photos Alan has of Becka and the other couple, and oof. How embarassing is that for him? And hurtful for her. Poor Jen. But again, girl. Why are you hiding the truth. I know he's your husband, but you need to say something! Nothing else really happens here as for now, the police can't take the website down. So Becka has to sort of deal with it being up there for the time being. Plus, another thing that's ironic is that she wants to help Alan feel better, of course not knowing he's behind it all.

Danny's complicated mess is getting out of hand
Oh Danny. He is definitely the complete opposite of Sam Heughan's known role as the king of men, Jamie Fraser in Outlander. The Highlander does make mistakes, but Danny is just a mess right now. Spencer is threatening his family and wants he and his partner to get the diamonds back, and Pete is onto him and his involvement with Spencer. I honestly could care less about this storyline, but it's making some progress I guess. I get they wanted to tie Pete and Danny together, but the show has enough drama without this too.
As for his personal life, that is getting messy as well. Danny did in fact know about his son with Lena, but left anyway. Though now he's trying to make amends. Father and son have a nice time at the bowling alley and this actor and young boy is so cute. But there Danny goes messing up again. When he asks to meet Danny's family, and his brother, Danny says it's not the best time yet. For who exactly, mister traffic cop? What are you so scared of? The disappointed look on the boy's face broke my heart.
With Becka dealing with her craziness, she finds out their bank account is basically emptied out. I mean, seriously dude. If she has access to the account too, how long did you think you could hide that it's empty for? Not smart planning on Danny's end at all. Becka is suspicious about what her husband is doing and follows him to where Lena lives and knocks on the door. When Becka asks her who she is, Lena invites her to come in. And that's where that ends. Ooh!
Overall, The Couple Next Door episode 4 was an ok episode. I mean we do have the crazy reveal that Evie is pregnant. And again, I'm pretty sure that the baby is Danny's. The story tries to throw in all these plot twists, but they're honestly not shocking at all. We see it coming. The storylines move along I guess. I don't know. I just feel like the pacing of the series is a bit slow. And now with only two episodes left, how much more is there left to tell? Everything is becoming revealed slowly. We'll see. Episode grade level: C.
The Couple Next Door premieres new episodes Fridays on Starz.