The Couple Next Door episode 3, "Blurring Boundaries," saw the story take a dramatic turn. Though we all knew where this tale was headed, and waiting for it to happen. If you haven't watched the episode on Starz yet, please be aware that there are spoilers below!

So as we all see, the passionate night that's been teased happens in this week's episode of the psychological thriller. Though, it's not exactly how I thought everything would go down. I thought it would be more of a foursome situation. I guess the attraction Evie has towards Danny is stronger than we thought, because she's the one who suggests couple switching.
In an exclusive interview with Show Snob, Evie actress Eleanor Tomlinson and Pete's Alfred Enoch tell us a bit more about their characters' headspace and motivations, or lack thereof, during this eventful night.
"I think for Evie, a lot of it comes from this kind of terrible situation that they found themselves in, and she just wants to get away from her life as she knows it. She wants the freedom. She wants to be reckless because life has not been kind to her," said Tomlinson. "So, so much of it is her just acting out against herself more than anything, but also acting out against her relationship with Pete, and just wanting something so completely different to try and numb the pain."
The terrible situation the actress is referring to is Evie's unfortunate miscarriage in the very first episode. She really wants to be a mother, and she and Pete have been trying for a long time. Though he is infertile, so this baby came to be through IVF. However, she's lost this one too. It's not a healthy way to try and deal with the pain, though it is understandable on some level.

As for Pete, he hasn't been able to wrap his mind around open relationships since the start and really wasn't on board in the couple of times he and Evie have talked about it. So while at first in the episode it seems like he'll go for it with Becka, he stops it all. Even though Evie and Danny go into the other bedroom and it's clear that they did not stop anything.
"Goodness. Everything stops Pete. Always. He's terrified," said Enoch. "He's living in fear of what he might lose, you know. And to him, it just represents the possibility that he might lose Evie in his life as he knows it. So he's not someone that's open particularly to taking risks, and certainly not a risk of that nature."
You do get that vibe off his character, the fact that he's more reserved. I do think a part of the troubles for the couple too though is that Evie doesn't want to talk about their loss. Because she's going through so much pain. So as Tomlinson said, this is her way of dealing with that. But it's not Pete's. And that's where I think this passionate night is going to really effect them in a negative way as the season goes on.
Want to see the lovely actors answering our questions? Check them out in the video below! And be sure to stay tuned to Show Snob as we have more interviews coming (be sure to see the one with Sam Heughan and Jessica De Gouw), though they veer into spoilery waters. So you'll have to wait and see what's in store before we share them!
The Couple Next Door releases new episodes Fridays on Starz.