Gosh, this second half of Outlander season 7 is going by so fast! I of course love it when there's new episodes to watch. But that does put us closer to a Droughtlander. And this time it's extra bittersweet because we know season 8 is the final season. But, let's not dwell on those feelings just yet and focus on this week's episode. Here's our review of season 7 episode 13, "Hello, Goodbye" on Starz. I'm a show-only fan so my views reflect that. SPOILERS BELOW.

Let's start with Brianna because she was just a total badass and activated full mama bear mode in this episode, and I'm all here for it. We know this family is smart, but the Frasers and MacKenzies all proved just how truly clever they are. Bree locks up Rob Cameron and wants answers, but he isn't being helpful. Because of course he isn't, that sleaze.
However it turns out she doesn't need his help. Mandy can feel her brother on the way to the police station, and that combined with the very sweet and smart Jemmy remembering his mother's story of getting out of the dam leads him out too! That little moment when he repeated "on you feet soldier, just like grammy would say" melted my heart. This young boy doesn't deserve to be scared like this.
Thankfully it's a wonderful reunion for Brianna and her kids. But there's a few issues. One, somehow Rob was able to escape so he's either working with someone, has copies of the keys to the house, or both. Plus, the police really aren't helpful at all. Instead, they insinuate that Rob and Bree are having an affair and things basically got out of hand. I rolled my eyes so hard. Though we do need to remember this is the '80s.

A welcoming surprise was Fiona and Ernie, who are going to watch the kids while Brianna goes back to Lallybroch to change the locks of the house. I already had a bad feeling about this. Then when Fiona questioned whether it's safe and Bree said no, that solidified that feeling. I'm so nervous for her to go back there all by herself. Gah! Plus, she is afraid Roger won't ever come back thinking Jemmy is in the past and not realizing he's still in their time. It's not like there's an easy way to communicate.
Next up are Roger and Buck. And I have to say, being a new character and one that wasn't super likable when we first met him. I am really loving Buck as the story goes on. He's proving to be committed to family, helping Roger all this time. Though I do question why he won't go back to his own time to his wife and kids. There's still an air of mystery around him.

"Hello, Goodbye" was a great title for this episode because it's very fitting. Roger finally finds his dad, and wow Richard Rankin played these scenes so beautifully. It's so obvious he wants to tell his father who he is, but can't for the risk of changing the future. But they finally come across each other and Roger and Buck get him through the Stones. Though I do have a few questions here.
I would have thought Roger's dad would play a bigger role just because we've been on this quest to find him for a good amount of episodes. It felt like there would be more to it than just finding him and sending him through the Stones right away. Also, Roger still grew up without his dad. So by going through the Stones, where does he end up? Does he make it back to his time but doesn't go back to his son for whatever reason? There's lots of questions here I hope the show answers because right now it kind of feels like, what was the point of this story and Roger "saving" his father.
It was really cool to see the two timelines intersect in a way as Roger realized Bree felt a strong energy where the dams were, he and Buck realized they were standing there, and Jemmy was there at the exact same time and heard his father. I love it when the show does little things like this to keep the stories connected. And the good news is that Roger is realizing perhaps Jemmy isn't in this time. Hopefully he does go back to Bree, and then he'll find him there!

Last but not least is our favorite couple, and a fan-favorite one who finally gets married! Young Ian is so precious, I love John Bell's smile as the character. Jamie has become a second father to him, so it's sweet to see him taking advice from his uncle. Young Ian and Rachel Hunter to get married in this episode, and their wedding is a little funny.
Because she's a Quaker, the ceremony mostly involves everyone sitting around and waiting for the spirit to guide them. Claire and Jamie were like kids in a classroom whispering to each other, and Denny catches them and has Jamie say a few words. That just made me laugh. Though overall it was sweet to see Ian and Rachel so in love and how everyone respected Rachel's beliefs and how she does things.
Jamie also gets an update about Lord John from Denzell, and is starting to feel guilty for what he did. Yes, he's still angry at his friend. But that doesn't mean he wants him dead. Thankfully Lord John is a smart guy and pretends to be a Rebel when he comes across some officers from the Continental Army. He's managed to find safety for the time being.

Outlander season 7 episode 13 had a good pace to it, resolved certain elements, while creating new questions for us. And that's what you want in a successful way of storytelling. So after a few episodes of looking for Jemmy, Brianna finds him. Though now Rob is still on the loose. Then when it comes to Roger, he found his father. But there's a whole host of questions that we mentioned above.
Jamie and Claire's scenes were a little less this time around. Though for the first time, I didn't mind it. I feel like I needed a breather after the events of the last two episodes. And they were very Jamie and Claire-centric. Plus I love Young Ian, so I didn't mind the attention being more on him and Rachel. Plus it made for some more, and much needed, lighthearted moments for our couple. The two looked like proud parents watching Young Ian and it made my heart warm. Episode grade level: B.
Outlander season 7 part 2 releases new episodes Fridays on Starz. Be sure to check Show Snob weekly for episodic reviews as the rest of the season unfolds, and visit our Outlander page for interviews with the cast and more!