Outlander season 7 episode 14, "Ye Dinna Get Used to It," is now streaming on Starz, which means it's time for our weekly review. As a reminder, I'm a show-only fan so my views will reflect that. So what happened to Lord John? What comes next for Bree and the kids? We get some of those answers in the episode. SPOILERS BELOW.

Let's start with the Frasers. General James Fraser is reporting for duty. And if I was under his command, I'd follow that man anywhere. Just saying. He looks so handsome in this uniform, and it's so much better than the red coat he was forced to wear back in season 5. This is a big responsibility on Jamie's shoulders. Though he's lead men into battle before, it hasn't been such a big gorup before. And he feels the weight of that.
And while it's nice to see Jamie in a uniform and it was really cool to meet some more historical figures in this episode, I'll be honest with you guys. I'm kind of done with this American Revolution stuff. It's like Game of Thrones' winter is coming and it's finally here. And I know the war took place over multiple years so that's why we're seeing so much of it. But, I don't know. I'm kind of done with this storyline. It's playing out a little too slow for me.

Another one is Brianna and the kids. At first the Rob Cameron twist was really intriguing. But again, this is being drawn out way too long. I also don't understand the point of Roger and Buck's story, but maybe that will be answered soon. There's only two more episodes left of Outlander season 7 though. We're running out of time.
I think it's interesting that Brianna, Jemmy, and Mandy might actually travel back in time to Roger and Buck. But how will they find them?It's just been a bit jarring to jump back and forth between all three of these storylines, and they don't really have a connection to each other. There's no common thread between them, so yeah. It hasn't been the most concise watch if that makes sense.

One storyline I have been enjoying seeing more of is William and Jane, who we met when William went to a brothel in season 7 episode 12. She's so straightforward and direct while he's sort of uptight and follows the rules. So I think the two balance each other out quite nicely. I don't know if they're endgame, but I definitely ship it. And her younger sister Fanny is the cutest? The actress is so good. Their story breaks my heart, and I'm interested to see where it goes.
Though now William's life is in danger as he's with the Rebels. Thankfully, his father Lord John Grey is off to the resuce! He reunites with the Frasers and Claire is able to help him heal his eye. Poor guy really needs it. He and Jamie are still tense towards each other. But they of course are united in saving their son. Jamie isn't able to leave all those under his command, which is understandable. But Lord John will be able to go and see to their son.

Overall Outlander season 7 episode 14 was a good episode. Though I don't really feel like much happened to move the story forward other than when it comes to William. I mean, Jamie and Claire have the important dinner with George Washington and other men, while Bree runs away from Rob Cameron overtaking their home. But not much else happened here. I'd say the one thing is William helping Jane and her sister out, and him now being in danger.
The episode is written by Diana Gabaldon, the author of the Outlander books. And you can definitely tell and feel it as her episodes are usually the ones that slow down a bit and give the characters some breathing room. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it did make the episode feel like a filler. I am expecting things to ramp up though in episodes 15 and 16 as they're the penultimate and finale episodes, respectively. Episode grade level: B.
Outlander season 7 streams new episodes Fridays on Starz.