Following the best episode of Bridgerton season 3 (episode 5), the sixth episode delivers in certain ways, but it once again disappointedly strays from Colin and Penelope. I don't know about you, but this has been a really frustrating part about watching this season. Episode 6 is titled "Romancing Mister Bridgerton," and yet the two main characters hardly interact. Here's what I thought about Bridgerton season 3, episode 6. For a full recap of the episode, click here.
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- The Cressida plot twist is genius
- Did Penelope make the right choice?
- Colin figures out Penelope's secret in the best way possible
- Sorry, but the rest of the storylines don't hold my attention
- Grading Bridgerton season 3 episode 6

The Cressida plot twist is genius
While I haven't enjoyed other characters taking up screen time from the main couple, I will say that the mysterious reason there's been so much Cressida Cowper in season 3 has now paid off. Now we know where the writers were going with this story. Everything has blown up out of proportion and definitely gotten out of Penelope's hands. Oh no!
Episode 5 ended with Cressida announcing she's Lady Whistledown. Of course us viewers, Penelope, and Eloise all know this is a lie. But the rest of the ton, at least most of it, believes this to be true. After having to almost marry a man three times her age, her father taking away her dowry because of her reveal, and thus trying to find some indepenence - Cressida is sticking to her fake story. This actually adds intrigue and mystery that's really interesting. Not only is Penelope dealing with keeping Lady Whistledown a secret from Colin, but now she has to deal with this as well. I love it!
I have to say, look I love my girl Eloise. But she is a bit self-centered and selfish. Before this happened, Cressida was trying to confide in her about her problems with Lord Greer and being pressured into marrying him. But all Eloise talked about were her problems, Penelope and Colin, and whatever else was bothering her. And Cressida would listen. I'm definitely not Team Cressida, but Eloise does have to talk a bit less and whoever she might consider a real friend, support them the way they support her.
Anyway, it's funny that Queen Charlotte has been searching for the elusive author this whole time and going head-to-head with her. And yet, she won't give Cressida the reward money, which is what she needs to find a bit of independence from her family, until a full issue is written in the morning after the party. The queen certainly loves her gossip, and she wants more! Instead of punishing Cressida, she's eager for more tea. Also, the instrumental version of "Confident" by Demi Lovato playing while Cressida and her mother walk in is one of the most deliciously dramatic things this show has done, and I'm so here for it. It worked out perfectly. I keep going back to rewatch that scene because it's gold.

Did Penelope make the right choice?
With the secret not coming out that Penelope is the real Lady Whistledown and Cressida taking that claim, Eloise tells her former friend that this is for the best and she should let being the author go if she wants to marry Colin. Penelope becomes pretty stuck between a rock and a hard place because she's worked so hard to get to this point and build what she did. Can she really give it all up for a man? Even if that man is Colin Bridgerton? Her mother seems to think so, while Madame Delacroix tries to advise the opposite.
I don't know honestly how to feel about Penelope giving up being the author. Yes, it's given her a voice and independence, and she should really be proud of what she's been able to accomplish. The wallflower has the whole ton like putty in her hands. But, as she says to Eloise towards the end of the episode, she's done a lot of damage with her writing too. So from that perspective, it might be time to let it go. Because at this point, she can't change what she writes. The ton is too invested in the gossip and scandal Lady Whistledown brings. I'm really torn on this one. But with where the story might be headed, perhaps now she won't have to choose between the two.

Colin figures out Penelope's secret in the best way possible
Look, we all knew that Colin wasn't going to find out about Penelope being Lady Whistledown by her telling him the truth. Even though that's the right thing to do and what should have happened. But for dramatic purposes, I knew it was going to play out differently. I also could see right from the moment the camera showed us that Colin spotted Penelope and Eloise walking away, he was going to go after her. I mean, there's a lot Colin doesn't see. But he's noticed how jittery his future bride has been and that she's trying to tell him something important.
It seems like he's had enough and decides to follow Penelope after she spoke with Eloise. And I do have to say first that this was a great scene. Both of the girls kind of take responsibility for what they've done or said, especially Penelope. She had to come to the realization that yes she's powerful, but she's used her power in the wrong way. And that's the best kind of character growth right there. She and Eloise decide she'll write one more issue to discredit Cressida, and then that's it. So she rushes off to the printer right then and there.
But Colin has follwed her, and he hears the printer say "anything for Lady Whistledown." As Penelope turns around after speaking with the printer, there's Colin right in front of her asking, "You're Lady Whistledown?" And we end on that cliffhanger! Well, not really since we can binge the last two episodes of Bridgerton season 3. But you know what I mean. It's certainly a great reveal and a great way to end the episode.

Sorry, but the rest of the storylines don't hold my attention
As I've said with each review this season, I don't like how the focus of the episodes keeps shifting to some of these other storylines. Frankly, I'm not invested at all. Like, Francesca and Lord Kilmartin. Are they cute? Sure, in their own way. Do I care about them right now? No. It's nothing against the two characters or actors, but right now the story is about Colin and Penelope. Or it's supposed to be. And a lot of this season just hasn't felt like that. Unfortunately, this episode is another example of that. Plus I just do not like Violet this season. Like, what is your problem? Can't you see how happy your daughter is? I don't know. This feels very out of character for her.
Benedict keeps having the same storylines, and this time it's just with a different woman and that's Tilley Arnold. And apparently she and her friend Paul want Benedict to have a threesome or be a throuple or something. Again, if this was new to Benedict maybe. But like, all we get is him sleeping around and wandering aimlessly in life for three seasons. I need to see something else because he's such a great and charming character. Please, give this character more substance.
The one actually interesting thing that's not taking up too much screen time is Marcus and Lady Danbury's beef. It turns out that the night before she was going to run away from being married, her brother told their father and that's how she ended up stuck in the loveless and tough marriage we see in the Queen Charlotte prequel series. I'm also not totally against Marcus and Violet, I think.

Grading Bridgerton season 3 episode 6
This episode had much more potential, but the story once again straying from Colin and Penelope took me out of it a bit, and it's just getting tiresome at this point. Yes, there's progress between the two with each episode, but they're not getting enough screen time together. And actually, most of episode 6 was spent on other characters. The pacing of this whole season has just been off.
I like the Cressida reveal and the fallout, but again it's taking away from other aspects. Overall though with Cressida, Penelope and Eloise's sort of reconciliation and observations about themselves, and of course Colin finding out Penelope is Lady Whistledown, these elements managed to hold Bridgerton season 3 episode 6 afloat. Episode grade level: B.
Bridgerton season 3 is now streaming on Netflix.