Outlander season 7B photo dump! Get a look at what the images might tease about what's coming in part 2

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Sassenachs! Come feast your eyes on this plethora of new Outlander season 7B photos that we've been graced with. Starz recently released some first-look images, but now we have plenty more. If you're a show only fan like me, then you'll be making predictions and guesses as to what everything might mean.

Outlander season 7 part 2 premieres Friday, Nov. 22, 2024 on the Starz app and Starz channel. And that release date just cannot come fast enough! Of course we all remember that by the end of season 7 part 1, Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian officially landed in Scotland after being away for so many years. They are more than happy to be in back in the Highlands, and we definitely are as well!

Hello, Lallybroch

Let's start with the first few images we shared below. It's Lallybroch! I feel like I'm going to cry. I already know that this half of the season is going to give me Outlander season 1 feels. The trio are riding up to their former home, as the next snap is of Jamie and Claire at a stable.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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This photo of Claire below doesn't seem like it's Lallybroch. I mean it's been a while, but it definitely doesn't look like their home. Or even a Scottish home. Perhaps Claire is paying someone English a visit? That might come into a possiblility I'll talk more about below.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Unfortunatley as we return to Scotland, so does the presence of Laoghaire who I think no Outlander fan likes. This gal will never grow up and will always be a resentful person. And clearly you can see that on her face in both of the images below. And poor Jamie really isn't having it with her in the second one. We do love an angry Jamie Fraser though!

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Do Jamie, Claire, and Young Ian go back to America?

Back to Claire. These next three images definitely have me guessing. She's wearing the same outfit she's in when she arrives in Scotland. So are Lord John, William, and the Hunters in Scotland? Do they end up somehow arriving there at the same time? Or perhaps Jamie and Claire make it back to America after their trip home.

Not going to lie, I was hoping once the Frasers made it back to Scotland they'd stay there. But in the featured image, you can see Jamie donning a uniform once again as well. Perhaps they'll get tied back into the revolution. I mean, what else is new in the Outlander world? This couple is destined to keep fighting in wars.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Now is it just me or doesn't it seem like William is pointing the gun at Young Ian in this scene? They both appear to be in a stable as well. Again, this could be the Frasers back in America. Or, somehow as I said above Lord Joh, William, and the Hunters are in Scotland too. Plus, let's take a look at some photos of Young Ian and Rachel!

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Give me anything Young Ian and Rachel Hunter

If there's one thing Outlander is great at, it's establishing amazing couples. And I am telling you, friends. I am really shipping Young Ian and Rachel together. I hope that despite their very different backgrounds, they'll be able to find a way to be together and live happily ever after. After all the heartbreak Young Ian has gone through, he certainly deserves it.

Outlander Season 7 2023
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Outlander Season 7 2023
Outlander Season 7 -- Courtesy of Starz /
Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Will Roger come across Dougal and Geillis in his time travels?

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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And look what the cat dragged in. Remember these two bundles of joy? When Outlander season 7 was first announced, Starz did share that we'd get to see Dougal and Geillis once again. I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss this troublesome duo. Even though it's funny, we never actually saw them in a scene together as a couple. We just heard about it.

So I'm wondering if perhaps Roger's travel through time into the past is going to take him all the way back to around a similar time of when Claire traveled through the Stones the very first time in season 1. That would explain why Dougal and Geillis are there and looking very much in love, mind you.

Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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While the network definitely doesn't want to give away whether Roger and Jemmy make it back home to Brianna and Mandy, does the photo below kind of give it away? I mean, that's Roger and Bree in their modern time. I don't know! Or, and this would be horrible. Roger makes it back but doesn't find Jemmy. I'd hope that's not the case though!

Outlander Season 7 2023
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I told you guys Starz shared a plethora! There's even more images for us to get excited about. We shared the rest below. What are you most looking forward to? What do you take away from all these awesome snaps?

And even more pictures!

Lord John and William are looking oh so serious in the next couple of images. The fireplace they're sitting at resembles the one Claire is sitting near in the photo above. This is why I think somehow, all these characters are not going to stay separated for long. We'll see!

Outlander Season 7 2023
Courtesy of Starz /
Outlander Season 7 2023
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The last few images shared are some great portrait-like ones of Jamie, Claire, Bree, Young Ian, and Denzell Hunter. Claire is seen treating someone who is clearly sick in a photo above. Perhaps Denzell will be a helping hand as he has been in the first half of the season. And she might learn something from her fellow doctor as well.

Outlander Season 7 2023
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Outlander Season 7 2023
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Outlander - Season 7 2024
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Outlander Season 7 2023
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Outlander Season 7 2023
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Outlander season 7B, aka part 2, premieres Friday, Nov. 22, 2024 on Starz.

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