Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 6 finally gets the story back on track (Review)

(Disney/Josh Stringer)
(Disney/Josh Stringer) /

Um, wow. What an episode! After the last couple of Tell Me Lies season 2 episodes being pretty mediocre, I actually enjoyed this one. Season 2 episode 6, "Do Your Dirty Words Come Out to Play?" not only cranked up the drama, but I feel like there was finally some more movement in the story. Ready to jump in? Here's our review. SPOILERS BELOW.

Do Your Dirty Words Come Out To Play?
(Disney/Josh Stringer) /

Let's start with 2015. Bree obviously has something to hide, we got a very quick glimpse of that in the premiere episode. She tells someone to leave her alone because she's "getting married tomorrow." Could this be Oliver or someone else? Perhaps their affair goes on for much longer than any of us thought. He could become obsessive. Diana and Pippa also officially go public and attend the party together.

The biggest shocker of course is when Lucy texts Stepehen and tells him to meet her at the pool. Though she's not alone. She's having sex with her boyfriend and purposefully asks Stephen to meet her outside so he can watch. Why does she still have his number? Have they been in contact or is this a way to sort of get back at him for what he said in his speech? No one believes that Stephen has changed. I don't know. But I for sure was yelling at my screen, Lucy no! Why would you do something like this? I'm judging the girl hard right now.

Do Your Dirty Words Come Out To Play?
(Disney/Josh Stringer) /

Back to the Baird College days, coincidentally and to everyone's dreadful luck, the whole group of friends either gets snowed in and can't leave campus for Thanksgiving. Or in Diana's case, her rude a** father doesn't want her to come home because she got a bad score on her LSAT. Like, seriously. Chill out dude. Unsurprisingly with Diana perhaps being of no use to him anymore, Stephen starts to act mean and toxic towards her. Going as far as telling her that perhaps her dad is talking to her rudely the way he talks to her mom is because she's acting like that. Just, ugh. Go away Stephen.

He gets on my, and everyone else's nerves for sure. As everyone is gathered waiting for the Thanksgiving meal, Stephen has to be Stephen and tries to get under Lucy's skin. He can't stand to see her happy with Leo. Unfortunately it works as he continues to say things and talks about this Becca girl, who cheated on Leo with Stephen. Honestly, you could have chosen someone way better. Lucy starts spiraling and saying things about Leo she shouldn't. And then even slaps Diana. Oof.

Do Your Dirty Words Come Out To Play?
(Disney/Josh Stringer) /

And this slap was not a part of the game. Also, Wrigley. With all the tension and history between everyone in that room, why would he - and everyone else - think that playing the slap and shots or whatever it's called game would be a good idea? This leads to Lucy and Leo breaking up because he can't take the hot and cold attitude, as well as this weird war between Lucy and Stephen. And really, I can't blame the guy.

Lucy expects him to share things he's not ready or comfortable to share like how he was physically abused by his his father. I also can't blame her because Stephen is the one who caused this with his toxicity while they were dating. But really I just never saw the chemistry between these two from Day 1. So... Bye, Leo I guess.

Someone else who got rightfully slapped and not as a part of the game is Evan. He wasn't looking for anything serious with Molly, but kept leading her on thinking it was anyway. And then he was being all touchy and hung up on Bree right in front of her. Like, dude. Very disrepsectful. Molly slaps him, and Evan deserved it in my opinion.

Do Your Dirty Words Come Out To Play?
(Disney/Josh Stringer) /

And to top it all off, Bree does not know how to keep a secret or something to herself. She doesn't tell Evan she's seeing Oliver, but tells him she is seeing a 45 year old guy. And she's 19. Uh, yeah. This is all sorts of wrong. Evan tries to warn her, but she gets defensive. Ooh, this is not going to end well.

Back to Stephen and Lucy. Perhaps he has some emotion after all buried deep in there. Lucy is in a very bad place after her breakup with Leo, and she's just given up on this "fight" with Stephen. She tells him he wins. And that even though she knows all the dark parts about him, she still loved him. So why is he punishing her for it? Lucy then walks away, and we actually see Stephen surprised and perhaps even moved by her emotion. I certainly was.

Tell Me Lies season 2 was losing me a bit in the last few episodes, but has now brought my interest right back. With only two more episodes to go, I'm expecting things to continue ramping up for the characters. Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 6 saw the tension between Lucy and Stephen reach its breaking point and finally starts to move the story along in an interesting way. There's also some mysterious happenings going on in the 2015 timeline that I'm intrigued about. Episode grade level: B.

Tell Me Lies season 2 releases new episodes Wednesdays on Hulu.

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