Tell Me Lies season 2 premiered today, and Hulu gifted us with not one, but two episodes! The premiere of the second season (check out the ep. 1 review here) did a good job of setting up this season's storylines, and they continued in season 2 episode 2, "I Shall Now Perform a 180 Flip-Flop." And the title of the episode definitely applies to Bree. Let's get into the review! SPOILERS BELOW.

I just need to talk about Bree and professor Oliver first. Clearly as we saw in the first episode of season 2, there was a connection between them that definitely shouldn't happen even though he's not her professor. But his wife is Bree's teacher this year and it's definitely still an inappropriate relationship.
It all starts with things being weird between Evan and Bree, and that's because his guilt of cheating on his girlfriend - with Lucy - is eating away at him. The two keep getting into silly fights, including over the earrings he got Bree for her birthday. She finds Oliver on her way home from her party, and again she feels like someone is hearing what she's saying and finds comfort in talking with him.
Evan truly doesn't know what to do, and I can't tell if Stephen advises his friend to tell the truth in a genine way to help him, or if he's just being the manipulative jerk he is. Being truthful, especially with something like this, is always the best approach. But of course it backfires but sorry Evan. Like, what did you expect? Of course Bree is going to be hurt, and she doesn't even know that it was Lucy he slept with. He still keeps that part to himself.

This is when Bree tracks down Oliver seeking comfort in him, and more. And honestly guys. I do not condone this relationship. But how did they manage to make kissing on the cheeks and forehead so sexy? They have way more chemistry than Lucy and Leo. Sorry not sorry. We'll get to that in a moment.
Again, it's not the right choice. But I think we can understand why Bree is making these irresponsible decisions. Including when she tells Evan she slept with someone, even though she didn't, to see his reaction. After sleeping with Evan... He definitely did not react well. I have no idea how these two recover and are about to get married in the flash forward. This is a mess.
Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 2 (full recap here) ends with Bree having enough and goes to Oliver's office where she says, "I'm ready for you to kiss me." I can't praise actor Tom Ellis enough because his acting is always so on point. You can see the struggle of trying to hold back on his face. But clearly, he's very attracted to Bree and the two start making out. Woah! But also, we saw that coming, lol.

As I said before, I just don't see the connection between Lucy and Leo. And it looks like he has a bit of a temper when he punches a guy for being rude to Lucy after she accidentally spilled coffee on him. Like dude, chill. Why you gotta be so rude? But also Leo needs to chill as well. But also, Lucy just announced she wasn't going to date then agrees to have drinks with Leo like five minutes later. They could have at least waited another episode or two, but ok.
And once again Stephen just cannot help but being like a psychopath or something. He asks to TA in Lucy's class just because he knows it will annoy her. Just leave her alone, man. Someone please come punch the smug smirk of his face.
In a scary moment, Diana finds Pippa with her clothes off and it seems like she was drugged by Chris, Lydia's younger brother. Diana gets some love from me here because she truly handled the situation well, and helped Pippa and found Lucy despite the tension between them to help a fellow young woman out in a bad situation. This Chris guy is very shady right now.
Tell Me Lies season 2 episode 2 proves that this group of friends just continue to get deeper into their web of lies, and they're all interconnected in the strangest way like this. Overall I enjoyed the second episode of the season, and storylines are actually moving along pretty quickly. The characters are not making the smartest choices. But, this is what we expect from them. Episode 2 continues to set up the lies to come, and I'm interested to see the after effects of them all. Episode grade level: B.
Tell Me Lies season 2 streams new episodes Wednesdays on Hulu.